Dota 2
(50 posts, started )
Dota 2
Will wait for gamescom and some gameplay footage before I start judging it. For now, I am happy with LoL.
#3 - BAMBO
Quote from DevilDare :Will wait for gamescom and some gameplay footage before I start judging it. For now, I am happy with LoL.

Did you say LoL there? You wouldn't be playing by any chance on the Nordic & Eastern server, now would you?
I am on EU West.
#5 - BAMBO
I am dissapoint
Hehe. You play ranked or just normals?
#7 - BAMBO
Normals seeing as I'm only level 28 but I plan on doing ranked when I get to 30. I mostly play offtanky ADs like Jarvan, Nasus or Jax but I am versatile enough to play AP ranged like Brand or offtank initiators like Mundo. I generally stick away from regularly banned characters like Amumu, Morde or Trynd but I do admit that I love to play Trynd from time to time because of his mobility and trololol ulti Used to play Xin and Yi too but haven't really done that lately. Lanewick also gets used from time to time.
Ahh. Nice.

I am not level 30 yet either, so no ranked games for me until then. Most of the time I can get a full pre made with friends though, so its all good. No incompetent fools, and good practise before ranked.

For me its usually AD / carry champs. Poppy being the favourite one until WuKong came out. He is extremely fun and suits my playstyle.

If somehow both are already locked out / banned, I can also play Annie, Akali or Katarina. On a good day, I'll play Alistar, but its really quite rare.
I play LOL, Cog'Maw FTW!
I don't even know what the first DOTA was. WOW competitor?
No, DotA was a multiplayer map for Warcraft 3 which turned out to be extremely popular and has become a pretty important esport. It's basically the first MOBA game (MOBA meaning Massive Online Battle Arena).
Not impressed with DoTA 2 so far. Its a carbon copy of the original, just on a different engine. Where is innovation?

The reason LoL is the most popular MOBA at the moment, is because it took DoTA and made it its own.
Honestly that's what I was thinking. It just looks like a "What if Valve made DotA", no real improvement or innovation to merit the "2" in the name.
I still think LoL is the future, especially because they're actually improving the MOBA concept. Take the new Dominion mode as an example.
Quote from BAMBO :Honestly that's what I was thinking. It just looks like a "What if Valve made DotA", no real improvement or innovation to merit the "2" in the name.
I still think LoL is the future, especially because they're actually improving the MOBA concept. Take the new Dominion mode as an example.

a basic moba game is when you buy or dowload the game and play it without any handicap, so in dota you can do it after you learn the basics, in lol? i don't think so, in a game where you can buy things just to make you more imba is kinda unfair for those who can't afford it, or just don't want to buy those things because they just want to have fun! it is true in lol you can have fun in lower levels, but you need to play a hell a lot of games just to try out a "new" hero, or simply put a hell a lot of money in it...
back to the improvement, yep the original needs some improvent: leaver detection, reconnection, a better shop system, new graphics etc., the new graphics is there, it doesn't looks shiny like hon, but how cares? in a big fight you can't see anything in hon, in here you can, and thats why it isn't an eyecandy game...
basicly that's what we see now, later when we can play it, we will see what is improved or what needs to be improved, but it's still in beta(in closed beta atm) so i think it's a bad start for it, i just simply wait till the public comes out and then i answer the question, is a bad or a good game, if it will be the same as the original dota with the improvments i said, it will a good game, and main reason of that is the balance!
Quote from tikshow :a basic moba game is when you buy or dowload the game and play it without any handicap, so in dota you can do it after you learn the basics, in lol? i don't think so, in a game where you can buy things just to make you more imba is kinda unfair for those who can't afford it, or just don't want to buy those things because they just want to have fun! it is true in lol you can have fun in lower levels, but you need to play a hell a lot of games just to try out a "new" hero, or simply put a hell a lot of money in it...

That is the biggest pile of shit I have ever read.
LoL is extremely easy to get into for new players. Its one of those games that's easy to learn, but hard to master. There are hundreds of guides ranging from team play and basic strategies, to guides for all champions and their optimum builds.

Also, you cannot buy "power" for real money. You can buy 2 things with Riot points, skins and champions. Skins are purely cosmetical, and therefore have no impact on the actual gameplay - none. You can buy champions, but that wont guarantee you an instant win.

Do some research before you start spouting this, "buy power" nonsense.
(tikshow) DELETED by tikshow
What the hell? I never said DoTA is hard to learn.

Boosts are minor. Riot gave everyone a 14 day free IP boost when the server splits happened, and honestly, the increase was quite minor...

And anyway, you're not directly paying for, "power". You cant buy such thing.
is it just me not habing any knowledge of the game whatsoever or are those games actually excruciatingly boring to watch?
Yeah, the games have been quite boring today. Far too defensive and "cautious" from most of the teams.
Quote from tikshow :a basic moba game is when you buy or dowload the game and play it without any handicap,

A MOBA game is just that, a massive online battle arena. Besides, in LoL you're not starting with a handicap since all the other players are starting just as you are.

Quote : i don't think so, in a game where you can buy things just to make you more imba is kinda unfair for those who can't afford it, or just don't want to buy those things because they just want to have fun!

Have you actually played the game? Stop talking about things you don't really know. You can't buy anything in LoL that will just magically make you stronger then the rest.

Quote : it is true in lol you can have fun in lower levels, but you need to play a hell a lot of games just to try out a "new" hero, or simply put a hell a lot of money in it...

Yet again, stop telling rubbish. Every new hero is put into next week's free roster so you can try him right after he's been launched and decide if you want to buy him or not. You don't have to put "a hell of a lot of money in it" or "play a hell a lot of games".

Quote :back to the improvement, yep the original needs some improvent: leaver detection, reconnection, a better shop system, new graphics etc., the new graphics is there, it doesn't looks shiny like hon, but how cares? in a big fight you can't see anything in hon, in here you can, and thats why it isn't an eyecandy game...

Who said HoN's graphics are that good looking? And who claimed you can't see anything in team fights? That would be a pretty big flaw in a MOBA game and I'm sure people would have noticed it by now

Quote from tikshow : but i'm right in a little a thing: you can buy ip and xp boosters, and if saw it right ip is what you need for buy runes and some cosmetic stuff, but runes can make you a little bit stronger

And you're still entirely wrong... XP boosters just mean you level up faster. It won't give you any advantage since the matchmaking system will still just pair you up with players of your level. IP is what you need to buy runes and heroes. As said before, getting a hero won't automatically mean a win if you don't really know how to play him and you can't claim runes make you a little bit stronger since everyone else also have runes. But still, any slight advantage runes give you is far exceeded by a player's skills. To give you an example, I only have attack speed runes. It's all great when you're playing an assassin or any melee ad character but there are matches when I have to play as an AP spellcaster and as you can tell, that makes my runes completely useless. Yet, I don't feel any disadvantage.

Now honestly, please stop talking shit about things you don't know and I don't mean it just about MOBA games. May it be a game, biology, politics, news, science, technology, etc., all you're doing is spreading misinformation which is off-putting to people who don't know anything about the subject.
Just slightly bumping this, does anyone have a spare invite to share, please?

I'd love to try this out and was a bit disappointed there's only a spectator-only version.

EDIT: thank you, EliteAti
In my opinion, LoL should be the benchmark for any micro-transaction game. Free to play, no pay to win, an in-game currency alternative and purely cosmetic money-only purchases.

The game studio makes plenty of money and the players have plenty of fun - with or without any real spending.

I haven't played it for a long, long time though. I generally don't like to lose and with all these new champions I would just be an idiot running around

Edit: oh, I didn't realise that discussion was over a year old. Sorry ;D

Dota 2
(50 posts, started )