Hello all,
I have created this LFS Websites Design section so that we can make new LFS sites with your help and input.
I have long wanted to do a whole new look for all LFS sites but it's a difficult thing to do. Hopefully with your help we can make it happen this time. I feel that all sites can do with a big update, because each site has one or more problems :
the common problem
Every LFS site looks completely different. The only commonality is the logo. This should be rectified so that every site has identifiable elements reocurring on every site. That doesn't mean every site should look the same, but there should be small elements that fit in the design of every site.
it's actually quite alright still. But its fixed narrow width and pretty much fixed menu make it hard to add new things. I want more room to play with.
This also has the space problem. Those desktop windows are nice, but within a browser they'll always be small. Unless you maximize them, but then what's the point of having windows?
I want to go back to full page-width displays. But I still want to make it feel more like an application than a website. So think of it more as what a stand alone stats app would be like and then that would be implemented as a website.
The main problem is its looks, as said earlier. We should give it a new skin to match the look of the other sites. Ideally I'd like to write all new forum software as well, but it's pretty much the last thing on the list.
leagues.lfs.net & news.lfs.net
These are so bad, they don't even exist. But they should, so we need to work on that.
Another problem is the domain names of the sites. I want to make all sites part of the lfs.net domain. So that means that instead of www.lfsworld.net we'll have stats.lfs.net instead (or maybe another name) and instead of www.lfsforum.net we'll have forum.lfs.net and so on.
These are the names I have given the sub sections of this forum. Every site has a section where discussion and development can take place.
In this stage 1 - introduction I wanted to introduce everyone with the whole contept of what should happen. I think we should take things step by step and not just dive into the deep and immediately expect amazing results.
So step one is to think about the big picture.
What content should each site have?
What should be the overall look and feel of each site and all sites combined?
These are questions for visual developers mostly, but ideas for section and section layout are always welcome.
Also I want to use this stage to see if I have explained the big picture clearly enough. If I have and we have come to agree on most of "what should be displayed on each site?" then we'll move on to stage 2.
As such it's important to note that you should probably wait with designing anything until it's clear what should be designed. Also I'm not yet sure how to go about dealing with multiple design inputs on a single topic. Maybe people should post their contributions and then it can be commented on. Maybe that way designs can be filtered out (yes be prepared that your work is not accepted. It's annoying but part of the whole public thing) or perfected through constructive feedback.
Let's say that again : contructive feedback. We don't need single word replies or "ugh that sucks worse than your mother". Posts that do not contribute in any way will be removed without notice. If you don't agree with something you can say that in a normal manner and more importantly explain how you think it can be improved. And yes, sometimes someone will make something ugly and just cannot really be improved easily. Even then it can be said politely.
Ok, so now that official stuff is over with I am looking forward to working with you. I am very curious how this will turn out. It will become a big project and it will take a long time to complete. I hope we will all last that long without wanting to kill each other
I have created this LFS Websites Design section so that we can make new LFS sites with your help and input.
I have long wanted to do a whole new look for all LFS sites but it's a difficult thing to do. Hopefully with your help we can make it happen this time. I feel that all sites can do with a big update, because each site has one or more problems :
the common problem
Every LFS site looks completely different. The only commonality is the logo. This should be rectified so that every site has identifiable elements reocurring on every site. That doesn't mean every site should look the same, but there should be small elements that fit in the design of every site.
it's actually quite alright still. But its fixed narrow width and pretty much fixed menu make it hard to add new things. I want more room to play with.
This also has the space problem. Those desktop windows are nice, but within a browser they'll always be small. Unless you maximize them, but then what's the point of having windows?
I want to go back to full page-width displays. But I still want to make it feel more like an application than a website. So think of it more as what a stand alone stats app would be like and then that would be implemented as a website.
The main problem is its looks, as said earlier. We should give it a new skin to match the look of the other sites. Ideally I'd like to write all new forum software as well, but it's pretty much the last thing on the list.
leagues.lfs.net & news.lfs.net
These are so bad, they don't even exist. But they should, so we need to work on that.
Another problem is the domain names of the sites. I want to make all sites part of the lfs.net domain. So that means that instead of www.lfsworld.net we'll have stats.lfs.net instead (or maybe another name) and instead of www.lfsforum.net we'll have forum.lfs.net and so on.
These are the names I have given the sub sections of this forum. Every site has a section where discussion and development can take place.
In this stage 1 - introduction I wanted to introduce everyone with the whole contept of what should happen. I think we should take things step by step and not just dive into the deep and immediately expect amazing results.
So step one is to think about the big picture.
What content should each site have?
What should be the overall look and feel of each site and all sites combined?
These are questions for visual developers mostly, but ideas for section and section layout are always welcome.
Also I want to use this stage to see if I have explained the big picture clearly enough. If I have and we have come to agree on most of "what should be displayed on each site?" then we'll move on to stage 2.
As such it's important to note that you should probably wait with designing anything until it's clear what should be designed. Also I'm not yet sure how to go about dealing with multiple design inputs on a single topic. Maybe people should post their contributions and then it can be commented on. Maybe that way designs can be filtered out (yes be prepared that your work is not accepted. It's annoying but part of the whole public thing) or perfected through constructive feedback.
Let's say that again : contructive feedback. We don't need single word replies or "ugh that sucks worse than your mother". Posts that do not contribute in any way will be removed without notice. If you don't agree with something you can say that in a normal manner and more importantly explain how you think it can be improved. And yes, sometimes someone will make something ugly and just cannot really be improved easily. Even then it can be said politely.
Ok, so now that official stuff is over with I am looking forward to working with you. I am very curious how this will turn out. It will become a big project and it will take a long time to complete. I hope we will all last that long without wanting to kill each other
