Ok, I have flashed the Bios up to version F6 (from F1), there have been 6 bios updates in the past 4 months for this thing.
I also ran speedfan on the second monitor as I raced (and glitched and timed out :P ) online and the video card has a solid 1.17V, I also had the Catalyst control Center running, the Vid card never went beyond 51*C and 30% activity.
It seems really hit and miss, I was on last night playing around a a server with 4-6 people with no problems, today I was spectating with no problems. Went back on this evening and spectated at cargame, I witnessed no glitching but in Network de-bug I had InitTime values ranging anywhere from +30 to -50. I then jumped onto the AirAttack FMB server and ran back into values of -100 all the way to -1000 and eventual time-out.
Desperately trying to see what I am doing differently each time I go on to see what is causing it to work and what is causing it to not work, i just can not find things I am doing differently