The online racing simulator
hotlap (mrkela) DELETED by mrkela
I upload my hotlap on lfs world.. Now what?
Quote from mrkela :I upload my hotlap on lfs world.. Now what?

You wait the official of the result in 4 the November.
Results after the 1st stage.
why? I have 4 points....texpelt88 7 points???? i am 3 place,,he is 4 place.
mrkela, I the fix, thank you.
ventspils_619, In the offset done of the results in the period of the stages. Independently from the date upload, but before the end's date of the stage.
LOOOOL , if it's like that, you can count me a lap done a years ago, isnt it?For me this results are not valid and I will not participate in league which we have a winner before the final.That was a golden opportunity for me to get a license,but........s**t happens
Quote from ventspils_619 :LOOOOL , if it's like that, you can count me a lap done a years ago, isnt it?For me this results are not valid and I will not participate in league which we have a winner before the final.That was a golden opportunity for me to get a license,but........s**t happens

You save your nerves. There is an the alternative thread.
(Frunze118) DELETED by Frunze118 : no more needed
Quote from Frunze118 :Thanks, Audi. I think now I have all chances

Is it possible to win on second stage, don't wait for third, if difference with me and second racer more than 10 points ?

Good Luck!
I'am wait the new participants.
Ugh, I HATE school computers, I'll wait and view the results later.
hello.. I upload my hotlap for xrg in round 2..
Quote from mrkela :hello.. I upload my hotlap for xrg in round 2..

Good Job!

You have two days before the end of the stage. Try to improve your results.
(Frunze118) DELETED by Frunze118 : spam
Quote from Frunze118 :OMG 1:24.14

I can't believe it. You have great chances, man. I never made at least 1.25

Keep it

P.S. Maybe you wanted to sleep, when made this hotlap ? :bounce8:

You know, I'm looking at those topics often. You are not really fun, do you realise that? Also trolling some slow guys is not the right way to go. So, stop being a dickhead. 1 day you can be on their place - and by that I mean slower than someone else. And this day will come if you go into leagues, clearly because you won't be the fastest in quite big period of time.
Quote from mrkela :hello.. I upload my hotlap for xrg in round 2..

My advice to you is:
1) Look replay WR
2) Go to online with the guys
3) Upload a new replay
Good Look

Frunze118, stop your the spam
Quote from [Audi TT] :My advice to you is:
1) Look replay WR
2) Go to online with the guys
3) Upload a new replay
Good Look

Frunze118, stop your the spam

i upload my new lap xrg 1:15:75
Quote from mrkela :i upload my new lap xrg 1:15:75

You the best. You're doing the right things.
Quote from mrkela :Will I get certificate? what is this?

You have 2 the bronze medals (3 the place - 2 times)
Quote from [Audi TT] :Yes
You have 2 the bronze medals (3 the place - 2 times)

how I can use that certificate, for what? sorry for this "stupid" question, I really don't know.
(Frunze118) DELETED by Frunze118
Quote from mrkela :how I can use that certificate, for what? sorry for this "stupid" question, I really don't know.

This certificate has no power. It's just an image.