WARNING: This thread has a lot of words. If you don't like reading, look at the pretty pictures. Unfortunately, you won't really get the point of this thread without reading...
So, we are going to design a new website. Let's not start throwing out possible layouts and voting on them. That's a stupid way to go about it. It's better to throw out ideas and see what sticks. And that's why I'm making this thread. It's my idea (and possibly a layout as well…cause I'm a hypocrite).
I think the biggest problem bad websites haves that they try to hard to give you information. It's as if they think that if you see something, you have to read it / click it / watch it. Live for Speed is definitely an offender of this crime.
Let's start off by taking a look at our website:

Text. So much freaking text. Text on text on text. Get rid of that crap. A picture is worth a thousand words. Use it.
Having so much text just ruins the design of the website. What do I read first? Should I be scrolling down to read the information and ignore what is on the screen right now? Do create a new account? Do I click something on the side? It's confusing and it sucks. Get rid of it.
Instead, do something simple. Give the viewer something simple to look at that automatically lets them know: What is Live for Speed?
Now, why is it important to do this? Because we should remember that the main website is there to draw in new people. It's not there to entice current members. So, treat it as such.
The front page should be simple. Put a logo at the top. Put a nice trailer for the viewer to see (this may actually be the hardest part since, let's be honest, Live for Speed is not a gorgeous game).
Here is a mockup look for it for the visual people. Again, this is just how I picture it. This thread is not about my mockup but rather about the idea of minimalism for our future design. Still, someone will understand what my vision of the site would be through pictures better than words:

So, what has the website done so far? The viewer has seen the video and the title. He is interested. He wants to learn more. Now that he is ready, you take him to the main page.
Where is the main page? Just scroll down. Don't make him click on a new link. Make is seamless. I image it being similar to the way this website is set up: http://www.realmacsoftware.com/clear/
Before we start thinking about what the main page should be like, let's see what it is right now:

It's just all news. While news is important, it doesn't function to do anything. In order to understand why this doesn't work, it's important to understand what the main website should do. The main website is for new people. It's for people who don't know about Live for Speed. Therefore, the main page is there to sell the game and it will sell the game by informing the viewer about the game. Look at any websites that are selling software. It lists what it all it does.
Therefore, the front page shouldn't be about the news. It should be listing what all the game has. List about the simulation, the cars, the tracks. Think about making it like the "What is LFS" page on the current website.
I don't really know how to do this page, but I do know one thing. Don't have so much text. Have a short paragraph with some really great pictures for each point.
I don't have time to finish this post right now. I plan on updating my post with new ideas as I have time and maybe some more mock ups as well. Let me know what you guys think. Don't worry about tearing it up and saying it's terrible. I will be including how to include other stuff like links to demo, buying the game, and the Q&A areas of the site.
Feel free to throw out some ideas that you have as well.
So, we are going to design a new website. Let's not start throwing out possible layouts and voting on them. That's a stupid way to go about it. It's better to throw out ideas and see what sticks. And that's why I'm making this thread. It's my idea (and possibly a layout as well…cause I'm a hypocrite).
I think the biggest problem bad websites haves that they try to hard to give you information. It's as if they think that if you see something, you have to read it / click it / watch it. Live for Speed is definitely an offender of this crime.
Let's start off by taking a look at our website:

Text. So much freaking text. Text on text on text. Get rid of that crap. A picture is worth a thousand words. Use it.
Having so much text just ruins the design of the website. What do I read first? Should I be scrolling down to read the information and ignore what is on the screen right now? Do create a new account? Do I click something on the side? It's confusing and it sucks. Get rid of it.
Instead, do something simple. Give the viewer something simple to look at that automatically lets them know: What is Live for Speed?
Now, why is it important to do this? Because we should remember that the main website is there to draw in new people. It's not there to entice current members. So, treat it as such.
The front page should be simple. Put a logo at the top. Put a nice trailer for the viewer to see (this may actually be the hardest part since, let's be honest, Live for Speed is not a gorgeous game).
Here is a mockup look for it for the visual people. Again, this is just how I picture it. This thread is not about my mockup but rather about the idea of minimalism for our future design. Still, someone will understand what my vision of the site would be through pictures better than words:

So, what has the website done so far? The viewer has seen the video and the title. He is interested. He wants to learn more. Now that he is ready, you take him to the main page.
Where is the main page? Just scroll down. Don't make him click on a new link. Make is seamless. I image it being similar to the way this website is set up: http://www.realmacsoftware.com/clear/
Before we start thinking about what the main page should be like, let's see what it is right now:

It's just all news. While news is important, it doesn't function to do anything. In order to understand why this doesn't work, it's important to understand what the main website should do. The main website is for new people. It's for people who don't know about Live for Speed. Therefore, the main page is there to sell the game and it will sell the game by informing the viewer about the game. Look at any websites that are selling software. It lists what it all it does.
Therefore, the front page shouldn't be about the news. It should be listing what all the game has. List about the simulation, the cars, the tracks. Think about making it like the "What is LFS" page on the current website.
I don't really know how to do this page, but I do know one thing. Don't have so much text. Have a short paragraph with some really great pictures for each point.
I don't have time to finish this post right now. I plan on updating my post with new ideas as I have time and maybe some more mock ups as well. Let me know what you guys think. Don't worry about tearing it up and saying it's terrible. I will be including how to include other stuff like links to demo, buying the game, and the Q&A areas of the site.
Feel free to throw out some ideas that you have as well.