You do have examples, you just find them on lfsworld like I did:
- for top 3 you have to find drivers in top 10 that have 3 or more people from their country in front of them. T. Stiborek was one such example. If CZE doesn't get points from him, then it's only top 3, if he does, then it's everybody.
- You asked if 11th placed guy should get the points for nutter rank if some points aren't given due to many drivers from the same country. You can check that by finding one example on lfsworld such as Avanah. There are a bunch of Finns in front of him and he's 11th, so you just see in nutter rank if USA got any points from him (he only has that lap, sometimes you need to check that he didn't get points for other combos and sum them up).
All the examples are on lfsworld, so how can you have no examples if you have internet access