The online racing simulator
LfS S2 Server Script
(127 posts, started )
LfS S2 Server Script
PHP Script for retreaving all informations from a server.

  • Read out all server informations, including server status, LfS version, number of online users, current racers online, selected track, allowed cars, race length and qulification length.
  • List of all present drivers
  • Correct formatting of servername and racernames
  • Creation of LfS Join link
  • Multi-language support
The script requires webspace with PHP functionality. Also access to the hostXXXXX.txt file of the gameserver is required. This can be either by FTP or HTTP.

All you have to do is to configure the file "_data_config.php" included in the archive, which includes all informations about the connection to the server. Afterwards you can upload all files and use it.

By default the output of the script will be written in English. If you want to change the language to another one (for example German or Spanish), you can change the according parameter in the _data_config.php file. A list of supported languages can be found in the release notes.

If you use this script on your site, please place a link to our website ( by using the image file included to this archive. Thanks!

If you have any questions, problems or suggestions you can post your feedback in here or contact me by ICQ.

Recent changes (version 1.9)
  • Added new track from Patch Y "South City Chicane Route"
  • Added new car from Patch Y "Formula BMW"
  • Added additional check if file exists to avoid errors in output
Download @ Sourceforge
Very nice work, and I especially like the added option of security :up:
Thanks for your commendation.

Maybe someone is here, who can translate me ~20 simple lines into some languages like French, Italian, Spanish, Polish, Dutch?

I would be really happy about that
First of all thanks to Dannel for the spanish translation

Now version 1.3 is out (has gone quickly, right? ) which includes spanish translation. Also I've changed the language detection function to be more dynamically.
Quote from VorTeX3k :Thanks for your commendation.

Maybe someone is here, who can translate me ~20 simple lines into some languages like French, Italian, Spanish, Polish, Dutch?

I would be really happy about that

I can translate to Polish if you're still looking for translators.
Of course, every translation is welcome you can contact me by PM to get my mail adress for this translation
There's a new update again to version 1.4 (see first post).

Thanks to all translators

Additional translations are still welcome
very nice indeed. Might use this on my site.
am i blind or just plain stupid? where can i download the script? thanks
Great script!!!


But not work for me :-(

Server specifications:

Protocol: HTTP
Path: D:/LFS_S2_DEDI_P

What is wrong?

Swedish Translation
Here you are mate, NOTE just rename it to php it's not actually a zip archive!

good work.
Attached files - 1.4 KB - 1070 views
Brazilian Portuguese Translation
Extract to lang folder.

Attached files - 744 B - 655 views
Hey you two, thanks for your translation! I will implement them in the next 1.5 version.

@jscorrea: what exactly does not work with the script?
He appears that my server is offline....


First of all check if the path to your hostxxxx.txt file is correct. The PHP script should of course be run on a HTTP webserver.
Then check the filename of the hostfile on the game server (which should be accessed by ftp or http) and check, if the number fits the port you have entered in the config file.

If it still does not work you may send me a folder structure info of your gameserver (beginning from the root of your ftp login) and the settings of the script by pn.
Can anyone put this in a block?

I have tried with no luck...

Great script by the way.

My internet service provider does not support getting data from other providers, so I must find another one illepall
In a block? Sorry, I must be having a dumb day, because I'm not following...

I think you mean that your host doesnt allow for you to use sockets. Shame, but a lot of hosts do this to prevent exploits, preserve bandwidth and prevent leeching
I mean in a block

If it was possible to put the script in a block, you could have the server status on the frontpage off your php site. Like "who is online"

This would be very nice
thanks for using my script but as mentioned in the readme: please link to our page when using it

I will put it in asap

I have placed you in our link section now.
Do you know how to make the join link to the server I am online at?
I don´t know how to place it when it is a variable server (not always DPRT #2) eg. <a href="lfs://||0|S2|/>
Thanks for the link

To make this variable link you first have to gather the information from lfsworld which server you are on, afterwards you can create a link using PHP echo output with a variable that contains the specific servername:
echo "<a href='lfs://|$servername|0|S2|/'>Join Iceberg</a>";

But the main point is to contact lfsworld and parse the hostlist to find out which server the specific player is driving on. This information has to be stored in a variable which can be used for the LFS-Join link creation.
(Iceberg) DELETED by Iceberg
Hello folks,

unfortunately the download link is currently down, because our website will be done new from the scratch.
It will come back on with a new version, because I now received several reports about bugs that make the script act strangely when used several times in boxes on a website.
So I'll try to fix those bugs and put the script back on

LfS S2 Server Script
(127 posts, started )