The online racing simulator
I crashed a huge pile of **** so I could make friends!!

Dude this is sad!
I gave birth to every member of the T7R team because I love myself.

I threw up on Vykos and everyone laughed heartily
Ya rly!
I sold a whiner and everyone laughed heartily.

Weird stuff
I throw up a bluescreen after work...

(but it was the pink monkey)
I bought myself SimBIN in a drinking contest
wow.. you can give us GTR2 for free now, and all the rights they own and sellers.. right? *nudge* *nudge*
I sold a moderator because I hate LFS.

"I gave birth to a pathetic LFS wannabe instead of doing what I was supposed to."
Quote from Zoltuger :"I gave birth to a pathetic LFS wannabe instead of doing what I was supposed to."

do... we.. want to know what you were supposed to be doing?
I won Counter Strike: Source because I'm a stupid fanboy.

Wait..that can't be right

I saw a bluescreen because my mom made me.
i wrecked tristan because he is a noob.

oh wait, game u say??

i won every member of the LFS beta testers for 100 credits
I saw a whiner because i love myself....interesting...
I won my mother so I could make friends.

Can't make much less sense than that!
I drove past a n00b because I hate my life.
I saw an UF1 so i could make friends

hmm, i saw one, and then everyone wanted to be my friend, sounds plausible

p.s. this thread is awesome
I won your face because I hate LFS!
"I threw rocks at a stupid brake I didn't need because I love myself."

Sounds like it could happen.

:Kick_Can_:duck: :lovies3d:
..stupid brake..
#70 - Jakg
i spoke to a whiner in the forums... and his name was nath2004uk!
I wrecked an Aston National fanboy in a drinking contest.

Me -> :drink:<- Aston National fanboy
I won my mother because my mom made me..
I crashed every member of the T7R team because I hate LFS.

Sorry guys!
I bought myself a backmarker because it led to free credits.

If only I knew this before... so many credits lost
I gave birth to a whiner while jumping up and down.