xBlack Rangers is a Finnish LFS team. We are looking for'll have a fair, active and, above all, the track label complying with the drivers. Speed ​​is not a concern and a license can be a demo, s1 and s2. 
Team Members:
Team leader: Pallo15
Drivers: _Matias,Pallo15
We'll have a fair we are looking for drivers.
Website: coming soon.
Skins: coming soon.
LFS username:
Your country:
Your age:
Favorite track car / track:
Why you want our team?:
Welcome our team.

Team Members:
Team leader: Pallo15
Drivers: _Matias,Pallo15
We'll have a fair we are looking for drivers.
Website: coming soon.
Skins: coming soon.
LFS username:
Your country:
Your age:
Favorite track car / track:
Why you want our team?:
Welcome our team.