Q: How is the AI at higher power levels (F1 car). Current AI seems to bash into me a little when overtaking takes place.
A: Its pretty much same at every car/track, if you're really fast then AI may be at very low level to you but as people are saying here - this game is not build to be a single player game.
Q: Is the AI on a par with rF2?
A: cant compare them. I never played rF2 but as i said in previous answer, its not designed as a single player game. Multiplayer is main force here.
Q: Will the AI continue to challenge me?
A: If you're fast then you will left it far far behind even at highest AI difficiulity.
Q: demo track seems a little lifeless - all have this feel?
A: Hard to say, very often servers are more full around evening hours, there is some good demo servers i think. Zion race demo was one of the best in past times for xfg/xrg races... dunno how it is now. there also are AA Blackwood GTI or AA Blackwood FBM or something like that. There you may find some really fast and clean racers.
Q: Textures in the demo track a little low res (trees) any updates for this?
A: this game was made in 2002 and it have graphics from that time, also tis game its not NFS, rF2, iRacing or any big production for adverting ultra high preformance graphic cards and dunno how much cores cpu's.
This game is designed for enjoying a simulation physics for everyone even not too rich people with 1 core 1,5ghz with 256-512ram and with old GeForce 4 or 5

and this kind of pc is enough for demo, so many people can try and enjoy physics and racing sim.
Q: Is there a dynamic track (grip different on and off the racing line) - does it build during a race?
A: there is no dynamic track grip at the moment but in really big races your grip is changing because of tyre wear(temperature or wear) and downforce is changing when you're driving some really fast car behind someone and trying to go behing him you may have no grip as it is in real life.
Q: Is this product really still being developed - really!???
A: Its still being developed yes, but its very slow and new Tyre physics are still in development and finishing date is not known even for devs.
Anyway I think there is no other sim than LFS where you can just go online and play some multiplay racing after 2-3 clicks and time from starting the game to beeing on server lasts around 10-20seconds so you noo need to wait for loong loadings and reading adverts or dumb tips (if you know them all) during that 2-3min track loading.
And this sim is really worth buying if you check all servers etc. what it have to offer to you

I was demo race fo like 2-3 years and now I know 2/3 of my demo carrer time was waste of time (ive should buy it earlier)