I am addressing especially to
Scawen, as he seams (or seamed.. by the looks of it) to be more active on these threads, but it is a message that could be addressed to all devs:
I don't understand why you sometimes choose to answer provocative posts like some of the above (please take my statement gently, as I an not at all trying to blame you even for this..). Why not just simply ignore them ?

. There will always be trolls, especially from behind a computer screen, and what's more important is that no matter what you say you'll probably never manage to change their opinion.
why not starting a normal dialog with the people that really understand why you have taken the decision that you did, people that really care about what you have to say and not trying to twist your every single word in something that it was not meant to; with people that WOULD very much appreciate an update (being communication or content wise) but don't ASK for it as it was already agreed on, with people that seem/are almost as passionate about using and enjoying LFS as you are about working on it ?
In my opinion is either that, either total silence.. but don't really see the point regarding the later.. I think that (re)starting a healthy communication would eventually "heal" the community and who knows, maybe even push the trolls away (or they would at least be "educated" by the community).
I suppose that similar messages as the one I am trying to send here were probably discussed before (The Very End is a name that comes into my mind), but one more time couldn't hurt.. Heck I am even ready to start a petition, if it would help to show the there could be some truth in what I am saying (..or show me that I am wrong

). I am sure that there would be many ways to make this work (from a simple "official" communication thread, to even a moderated one).
I, for one, am still enjoying LFS, running a league with some friends and having a blast each Sunday evening. I DO feel that I have received what I've payed for, and would NOT be disappointed even if tomorrow you would announce that you gave up on developing LFS. On the contrary, I am impressed about what you (
Scavier, this time

) have managed to create, and even envy you at some point that you had the courage to go on this path and choose independence. I am not saying that everybody should feel like me (but I would like to :P ), and it doesn't have to - there are quite a few alternatives out there or there will be soon enough (rF2, IR, pCARS - maybe, AC - maybe, rF, ...).
As a closure; you (
Scavier) have managed to create something exceptionally on many levels, that will definitely be remaining in the history of simracing, no matter what some would argue.. wouldn't that be a pitty to just help it slowly die ?! And more importantly, for that reason ?!
Hope you get my meaning, and perceive this as positive feedback, because it's in this intention that I've wrote it.