Notice: This event will use version 0.6E of the Live For Speed softwear, so be sure to upgrade before this round 
Discussion regarding the 2012 Short Course (Round #6 of the 2012 World TBO Championship Series) may be made here. This is the final round of the Series.
Round 6 – Short Course 150 – 81 laps at AS1 – December 16, 2012 – 16:00 GMT - Layout - Weather
Qualifying Begins (Group 1*): 16:00 GMT (20 min.)
Qualifying Begins (Group 2*): 16:25 GMT (20 min.)
Race begins: 16:50 GMT
Estimated Race Conclusion: 18:10 GMT
* - Qualifying groups will be split based upon odd and even positions in the driver points standings. 1st, 3rd, 5th, ect.. in driver points will be in Group #1. Group #2 will consist of drivers in 2nd, 4th, 6th, ect.. positions in driver points. All drivers will be permitted on the server at all times during this session unless we have more than 35 competitors in attendance. That chat will be closed for non-administrators over the course of qualifying as usual.
A pre-race driver breifing will be PM'ed to all registered competitors and may be in the form of a video or text. All participants are expected to watch or read all of this text. This will occur overnight for most drivers (based on their local time) on Friday night/Saturday morning.
Stream: Link TBA at
LFS Remote:

Discussion regarding the 2012 Short Course (Round #6 of the 2012 World TBO Championship Series) may be made here. This is the final round of the Series.
Round 6 – Short Course 150 – 81 laps at AS1 – December 16, 2012 – 16:00 GMT - Layout - Weather
Qualifying Begins (Group 1*): 16:00 GMT (20 min.)
Qualifying Begins (Group 2*): 16:25 GMT (20 min.)
Race begins: 16:50 GMT
Estimated Race Conclusion: 18:10 GMT
* - Qualifying groups will be split based upon odd and even positions in the driver points standings. 1st, 3rd, 5th, ect.. in driver points will be in Group #1. Group #2 will consist of drivers in 2nd, 4th, 6th, ect.. positions in driver points. All drivers will be permitted on the server at all times during this session unless we have more than 35 competitors in attendance. That chat will be closed for non-administrators over the course of qualifying as usual.
A pre-race driver breifing will be PM'ed to all registered competitors and may be in the form of a video or text. All participants are expected to watch or read all of this text. This will occur overnight for most drivers (based on their local time) on Friday night/Saturday morning.
Stream: Link TBA at
LFS Remote: