Event rating and other statistics updated! All rating's top5 drivers kept their positions,only points have been changed - leader Zeus now has exceeded the 100 point mark by 4 points (out of 140 maximum possible),while Y.Laprevotte has reached half century,J.Holmes,M.Kapal and Rony fills the other positions. There are now 58 drivers,who have scored at least a point in last 10 races,one less than after previous event.
2 new countrys have been added to list,no drivers of them actually finished the race,joining Scotland,who was the only country with a participant,who hasn't finished a race. Brazil is still the only country which hasn't been represented in qualifying,but has a finisher. Well,so much about noticable changes in stats.
There is another new thing I want to announce: since lately event server has been joined by multiple very low experienced drivers,who obviously have no clue what is going on in server,I decided to make
server password protected an hour before qualifying to keep people not knowing where they are at bay - password always will be the same:
green (will be changed after qualifying as usual). I understand,that it will slightly reduce number of drivers,but it will increase the quality of them (hopefully).
And on ending note - guys,please stop that freaking restart voting after start! There always be someone who will suffer from some incident,there always will be someone unhappy about something,and if you join late (like last time 3 minutes after scheduled start while event was already suspended too long),that is only your fault... Thank you for understanding. (now I have to figure out,how to allow Airio the vote-start by traditional "Drivers - vote for start" command... :schwitz