Stop calling us 'Europeans', Europe as nothing to do with this, this is the middle east, Denmark and Sweden having trouble.
Few years ago a Danish writer made some drawings, which would be Muhammed the profecy, with a bomb in his turban..
2 days later we lost around the 20 hosts in middle eastern Danish Embassies.
Every time we take the conflict up in public some of our people die.
Yes I know you're an American, and you don't understand the problem of living in a small country, basically ONE of your cruise missiles would easily wipe out 30% of Denmark.
The reason is, I'm not a racist, though I think there is a few problems that could be fixed if Denmark/Sweden wasn't 30+% immigrants, and discussing this publicly will probably bring up the voices of some to say: But hey Dennis, Their country are at war, there is no where they can go to? To which I will respond in the same manner; It's not my problem, It's not my/Denmark/Swedens, war, But it is my problem, It is Denmarks problem, It is Swedens problem, and there is NOTHING we can do about it, as long as both country is left wing retards.....
You mention right wing in your comment, and that makes me a little confused. At least over here right wing peope are massivly against immigration and are not affraight to raise their voice, the senter/left - red,
are very much positive to it and want a bigger number of immigrants.
In this case it looks like they are expressing anger towards bad joke instead of other ways. But... I always compare lots of public intenet places to latrine - would you sue someone for a wall writing "write below list of sluts"?
In dark feudal times in XIVth century a peasant served for his senior 104 days and it we call it severe feudal exploitation.
Nowadays your work for your enlightened government leading you to brigth future for 170 days. But this is called equitable social free market economy
the hard working honest Muslims condone the actions of the extremists by not calling them out as false representation of their culture in a meaningful way. The Danes condone the actions of the extremists by not offending them. Secular democracy, rule of law and human rights are offensive to orthodox Muslims and should be promoted and forced upon your immigrants. You cannot even defend your country's traditions and ideals because you are being replaced by Muslims who stand to benefit (a ready-made country given to them for free) if you are all too scared to speak out, even if they don't participate actively in your subjugation. Denmark is an Islamic colony and will be an example to the other nations who have treated these "visitors" so well.