The online racing simulator
Backfire Mod
(218 posts, started )
Backfire Mod
EDIT: Version 2.0

Very early version, feedback appreciated but please state which car you are using and what needs changing.

Volume control will come in an update.

Under no circumstances is it possible to get this program working without reading the installation instructions! It's very simple, but without reading how to install you just wont do it. A full guide is in the readme, for the impatient here's a quickie:

Modify the last few lines of your cfg.txt file to read:

OutGauge Mode 2
OutGauge Delay 30
OutGauge IP
OutGauge Port 39999
OutGauge ID 0

Then run the program, run LFS, enjoy it, then post here moaning like you always do

You can download the program from here:
Sample Video

Wed AM: Version 2.0 Released - ReDownload if necessary
aw.. no visual effects though

haven't tried it, just looked in zip, how does it really work though, are there certain times when your car would backfire or.. what?
I've put in backfires on engine overrun and coming off the throttle for now, it'll need tweeking as it's literally just over an hours work and i'm going to bed in a few minutes, but I need feedback across a variety of cars and opinions before I really know how to tweek. I only tested FOX around SOC and it seems ok.
Ive just tried it with both the lx6 and rb4. It sounds pretty good when gears change (using auto), a little pop or two. When off the throttle I feel theres a bit too much, sounds like the car is a proper old banger on its last legs :X, maybe change the frequency of the pops to a little less? Also Pop3 and pop4 sounds well like a fart when played again and again, needs to sound a little more aggressive imo.
cant hear a sound
I just tried this with the lx6 and i had a good laugh The car now sounds like a tractor. I'll post a vid soon as im not quite sure if this is the sound you intended.

Thanks for the program pretty good for an hours work
I kinda like it, but it really is too much. I drove on lap around AS club with the XRG. When I brake and release throttle for the first corner, I always keep my throttle up a bit, and the sound was horrible! It was like my car was going to fall apart, and I even slowed down too much because I was scared of the sound After my lap I parked the car and the sounds kept playing. I was doing nothing.
tried this program just then.
It's ok for a start! this can only get better.
although atm it does sound like a nasty gun fight when you're driving around lol.
Here is a video of the lx6 around AS Cadet for those that cant get this working. There are a few good sounds but overall it happens far too often and most of the sounds dont fit with the car sound of LFS.
Attached files
backfire.rar - 1.6 MB - 11121 views
lol! impressive so far. Indeed it does sound like an old banger, but at least this is a good step forward.

Sounds like some horses galloping and cowboys whiping them, Heee Yah!!!!!
yea if my car would sound like that id sell it and get a new
needs some improvement ^^
LOL!!! your LX sounds like afartin machine
There's this guy in a DSM whos car always backfires a hell of a lot when he engine-brakes for the speed bump outside my house.

Not tried it yet, but already downloading (my father would kill me if I tried it now ). Sounds very promising, and at last we have an OutGauge-Mod :woohoo:

edit: Just read the "exhaust sounds" thread... that was quite fast
i just watched the video and it sounds like someone who ate nothing but beans and drank lots of milk for 3 days straight... and theyr'e lactose intolorant.
Quote from _TdNoZ_ :cant hear a sound

Same here. I've extracted the zip to the root of my LFS folder and modified the cfg.txt file, however when I run backfire.exe the window appears and then disappears straight away (as if it's been closed by the OS). Checked Task Manager and no backfire.exe running in the background.

Running LFS U16. Any other info you want?
just saw vid... sounds like shit man.. seriously how long did this take for you to do? and is it jsut me or dose it sound like the sound is being timed.

the sounds are inaccurate, so is my spelling.. unless thats how you spell inaccurate :S it sounds like tires popping..

to me this is a MUST not DOWNLOAD
That vid sounds broken, the engine overun is jamming on, I just looked at the code and it seems I altered it by accident when doing the throttle lifting sounds so im fixing that now, it definately isnt how it's meant to be on that video, the driving style of the LX is really exagerating this bug, I will fix as soon as I can but I do goto work so might not be until tonight :/

If the program crashes on startup then you probably have that UDP port in use, same for if you hear nothing. I will add some error checking into the program and report errors so we can be sure.
I've updated the download, here's what is new:
Added some error reporting for some possible startup issues
Removed an unecessary UDP port
Fixed engine overrun backfire jamming open
Tweeked throttle backfire frequency
Tweeked overun backfire frequency
Added variable volume/pitch to backfires for more variety
Quote from Becky Rose :That vid sounds broken, the engine overun is jamming on, I just looked at the code and it seems I altered it by accident when doing the throttle lifting sounds so im fixing that now, it definately isnt how it's meant to be on that video, the driving style of the LX is really exagerating this bug, I will fix as soon as I can but I do goto work so might not be until tonight :/

I thought there might have been something wrong Dont try and blame my driving
New problem is when the backfire sound plays i get a user lib not found error and the program closes itself.
says "user lib not found"...
ver 1.0 worked with u16 fine


edit: 2 mins slow, means i've to practice more :P
Oooops, fixed and uploaded I could explain what I did wrong, but it would make me sound even more geeky than I already am.
My only issue is with the sounds. If i could have pop3 playing everytime i was hard on the downshift i think it would sound really good. Currently it seems there is always a sound on upshift but only sometimes on downshift.
its good for a very early version, keep up the good work!

Backfire Mod
(218 posts, started )