This is how stupid it gets with everything here, Scawen writes something and immediately needs to protect / back up his words. And thats why there is no progress report or whatever worth to be putted online.
Always but, I've heard.. No I know better! ... Not.
Seriously, you don't have to tell me the difference between a proxy server and VPN networking. Explain it to the rest here who thinks they just invented the wheel (nice on-topic analogy).
Most cannot even setup a good lag free connection. Hence this nice update.
This is how stupid it gets with everything here, Scawen writes something and immediately needs to protect / back up his words. And thats why there is no progress report or whatever worth to be putted online.
Always but, I've heard.. No I know better! ... Not.
Seriously, you don't have to tell me the difference between a proxy server and VPN networking. Explain it to the rest here who thinks they just invented the wheel (nice on-topic analogy).
Most cannot even setup a good lag free connection. Hence this nice update.
