all kingwalter is trying to do is make himself to be seen like anakin, but there is a big difference, anakin was most probably intelligent but used it for the wrong reason while kingwalter isnt intelligent obviously he doesnt seem to grasp that hes someone that uses mods which weve all seen before and not some hacker with brains.
unsubcribing as hes become as boring as any other cheater,
as in the sense of are you a bad guy from the eyes of someone who runs a server then i have to answer yes and if from another perspective then i dont know you well enough to answer, if you was a good guy and you know how to get past cpw then you would help lfs and the community by helping the devs to strengthen the security
i see that you have used lfs for a while so why would you want to make things worse for lfs instead of help to improve it which then would make you a respectable guy
> Geachte heer Lemmens,
> Uw klantnummer bij Adobe Direct is: ***********
> Dank u voor uw recente e-mail betreffende CS3 Photoshop Extended studenten
> editie.
> Wij hebben helaas moeten constateren dat u de volgende documenten mist als
> u deel wilt nemen aan dit programma:
> --> brief van uw school op briefpapier niet ouder dan 2 maanden waarmee u
> kunt aantonen er op dit moment als student te staan ingeschreven
> Om uw aanvraag zo snel mogelijk te kunnen verwerken vragen wij u de
> missende informatie op te sturen per email naar [email protected] of
> per fax.
> Uw gegevens zijn nu geregistreerd in ons systeem onder uw persoonlijke
> klant nummer. Mocht u reageren op deze email dan wordt het zeer op prijs
> gesteld als u de voorgaande correspondentie meestuurt.
> Met vriendelijke groet,
> Louis-Enrique de Cuba
> Adobe Education Service"
Basically that is an e-mail from Adobe after I bought Adobe Photoshop CS3 Extended some years ago. I forgot to give them some info and identity stuff from my study.
After that I kindly received my Serial key to activate the product.