Well truth is that in any real racing series it is fordbidden to drive the wrong way and a big penalty will be applied (probably SG and big money penalty, saw it once in Magny Cours, the car got 5laps penalty).

That's not a new thing that going wrong way is forbidden in league in LFS at WE1. I think 3id gt2 lost of fastest lap in 09/10 quali. So even if it wasn't clearly written in rules book, it was written here with the penalty drivers would receive in case of failing respecting it.

Maybe it could have been part of rules book but at the end of the day it was announced. We didn't see it on time, some (vires) were stupid not to send another driver to prequal knowing that their driver did that but at the end of the day we can't complain about admins as they did their job. Can possibly complain about was it too harsh but maybe that's a bit to late for that as it was announced several days ago. Anyway I guess this one apply here about information being broadcast only using lfs forum :

Quote from NDR sporting code :
3. All event participants are required to regularly check official information sources
regarding their entered event. Official information sources include, but are not limited
to, series forums, NDR website, IRC Topic messages

Not wanted to be part of any flaming war, just giving my 2 cents. Vires didn't hesitate to appeal when we felt admin decision was wrong but obviously this time we can only complain about ourself.

EDIT : btw it is in NDR sporting code so not only in this topic :

Quote from NDR Sporting Code section XIV-2 Racing Surface :
4. No driver is to drive against the natural direction of the course except to rejoin from the
incident, and in that case drive against the direction as little as possible, or by order of
race control. Driving against the direction of the course for any period of time apart
from the time permitted will result in immediate disqualification and potential further

A Voice of Reason
The engaging best seller novel

By Morgan Trolle
I do not mean that Deko should change the decision now that it is made, sorry if I made it sound that way. But I am discussing this to get the penalty down a nodge or two for the future rounds and leauges.

I do not agree that a DSQ is a penalty that fits. And I am by no means saying I did nothing wrong. I did. I am not arguing about that at all. I have clearly said it many times that I did something wrong.

What I am on about is the really harsh penalty from this. Driving wrong way for 5 meters without anyone seeing it, is not as bad on a simulator as in real life. Real life have something called safety, we do not in LFS. We cannot get hurt, and we have aids that helps us know about the conditions on the track. There are many different things we do on the simulator, that we do not in real life and the opposite. Again, I am not saying this should be allowed. I am saying (with my opinion) that the penalty is too harsh for the actual damage.

A pre-qual is not like a 30 min qual or a race with a full grid. Chatting is allowed as well.

So a DQ is in my opinion too harsh, and I mean a loss of fastest lap would be sufficient enough.

That is my opinion.
I would like to ask a few questions to those who were disqualified (and even those who were not):
  1. Did you know about the forum post by deko in post #2 of this thread before pre-qualifying started?
  2. Did you know about the section in sporting code prohibiting wrong way driving?
  3. Was this information included in the pre-qualifying PM?
  4. Did you do all of your pre-qualifying outlaps via the pit entry?
  5. Did you notice others doing it in the server?
  6. If half of the field decided to ignore SC procedures in a race (and say, overtake before the s/f line), should they be penalised?
Quote from boothy :I would like to ask a few questions to those who were disqualified (and even those who were not):
  1. Did you know about the forum post by deko in post #2 of this thread before pre-qualifying started?
  2. Did you know about the section in sporting code prohibiting wrong way driving?
  3. Was this information included in the pre-qualifying PM?
  4. Did you do all of your pre-qualifying outlaps via the pit entry?
  5. Did you notice others doing it in the server?
  6. If half of the field decided to ignore SC procedures in a race (and say, overtake before the s/f line), should they be penalised?

1. No, I did not.
2. No, I did not. But yes, I have read it.
3. Not as something I was thinking of specifically, no. I did not think of it/know.
4. No, I did not.
5. I was pretty much the only one there, so no.
6. If someone protested, yes, because they broke the rules and gained an unfair advantage. Which is cheating (in gaining an unfair advantage). None of us gained an unfair advantage, and I am not arguing about being penalized. I did something wrong. I have never said the opposite. I may have deserved a penalty, I will not argue against that. I broke a rule. But what I am arguing about is the penalty. The way it is now, I will get a harder penalty than if I blocked someone, or punt someone off. I guess that would have given me a 10-grid penalty, if they even bothered to protest.

Let me turn the last one around:
Lets say half of the field passed before the start/finish line, should all of them be disqualified from the race? I would consider that worse than doing what we did.
(MoMo92i) DELETED by MoMo92i : useless actually
My :twocents: are actually that irregardless of safety we should adhere to some sort of motorsport code or the racing and timekeeping and sessions will become free for all Carrmageddon style events because nobody can die they do what they want kind of thing.

We follow/enjoy motorsport, and one of the things that happens in motorsport is that people respect each other not to put anyone else in danger, whilst there is no 'danger' from a human point of view there is interms of in-game damage and 3rd party perspective to LFS/NDR.