The online racing simulator
HQ trees for all track
(26 posts, started )
#1 - lfsrm
HQ trees for all track
hello !

I just finished my work on the textures of trees in lfs, I did everything I could to be the more realistic as possible .This textures render good with other HD textures ( for example : Revolution pack of Lynce )
available for all tracks.

link :
Trees HQ Full Updated 25.09.12.rar

link V2 :

I hope you enjoy.
Attached images
LFS 2012-09-16 22-22-00-17.jpg
LFS 2012-09-16 22-20-53-35.jpg
LFS 2012-09-16 22-18-05-89.jpg
They look cool, but very pixelated around the edges. Is this something you can fix or just LFS' weird texture mapping problem?
#3 - lfsrm
I think it is a problem that comes in the game itself, lfs has a bad transparent textures managed.
but if you don't zoom too much, you can't notice this .
awesome, downloading
What folder do I need to put this in?

btw, Gougoodthing, in data/dds folder...
Good job! I will try it tonight
#8 - lfsrm
thx all .

small update for AS trees, I edited my first post

to install all trees with update go on your lfs/data/dds .
#9 - Lynce
Quote from Bose321 :They look cool, but very pixelated around the edges. Is this something you can fix or just LFS' weird texture mapping problem?

+1. The texture mapping make it.

@lfsrm A very fantastic work. Keep up the good work. I want to see more works from you.

thank you Lynce .

i'd like to rework some south city textures, it's certainly my next project.
hehe, nice, I'll at least use the FE ones (never got those right )
another update for kyoto , check my first post.
new download link include HQ trees with all update.
Thanks for this trees, I really like them.
One thing that get into my eyes everytime on South City, its kinda irritating (see attachment)

I know that you probably can't do much about this texture, but maybe make trees lower by the end and using darker texture will make it less noticable.
Attached images
this is treemendous
Quote from DANIEL-CRO :Thanks for this trees, I really like them.
One thing that get into my eyes everytime on South City, its kinda irritating (see attachment)

I know that you probably can't do much about this texture, but maybe make trees lower by the end and using darker texture will make it less noticable.

And this is not the only track that has this kind of problem, modeling is not subtle in lfs I can do anything about that , even if I darkened the texture, it will do the other trees as appearing too bright compared to the other textures.

Quote from Franky.S :this is treemendous

you mean tremendous? .
and even if you change it here, it might look out of place on another track. SO has no own tree textures, but uses trees from all other tracks. And about that "tree wall", if you sort of round the edges to look better in this place, it will create a repetitive pattern on another track.
Quote from lfsrm :you mean tremendous? .

Sometimes humour just isn't funny when it is analysed... He meant treemendous. It's a joke. Not a complicated one either...
Great work
Quote from THE WIZARD DK :im sorry to say this,because i really like your tree textures. but i was taking a close look on them, and i noticed some of the files (using shift+u) i found that alot of the tree files have a very small square on top of them(floating). its nothing you will notice from track and you have to look very carefully to see it. but its there. found it on aston. but i will look further when more time. i also think they go with lynches pack (20th dec) very good. but they are a bit too bright i think to match lynches textures. possible to reduce brightness a bit? i seriously think these tree files are the best i have ever seen in lfs. i truly do, so it sadness me to be such a downer here.. im not sure if its yours or lynches files on this pic below. but i suspect it might be yours. so im not trying to be a smart or a dumbass , just letting you know what i noticed. the pic shows a back ground image sorta. but the ruff edges. is that just a cut from the image or is it just me going to close with the camera??? its nothing you notice from track at all, im just wondering about this?
i will take a pic tomorrow of the squares i mentioned on top of trees , if someone doesnt beat me to it, to show what i mean. (its very late now). my own guess would be its the texture edge.

but i do want you to know that i REALLY like them. even tho i feel like being a prick pointing these things out.. sowwyyy..

(cant type,too tired).

thanks for your helpful comment.

about bugs which you have reported, I will see what i can do to fix those bugs and btw reduce brightness of all trees specialy on Fern Bay. In your attached picture ( ... d=125156&d=1356067968) this is Lynce work and he will probably fixe edge probleme in the next patch.
thank you
thank you very very much,i see tha answers of mumbers so it look very nice.
@lfsrm Can you please reupload V2? Smile
I deleted them long time ago sadly, they are useless now since most tracks are being or are updated, plus they don't look right from my point of view right now.

I will dig into my external HDD, maybe I have some lost copy there.

HQ trees for all track
(26 posts, started )