Kyoto 400 Practice Session #2
The second official practice session for the Kyoto 400 will run on the 21st of January 2013 @ 18:00 GMT. Only those who are registered for the Kyoto 400 will be permitted to participate in this session. The session will include the following:

Qualifying - 20 Mins - Hardcore (No Spec or Jumping to Pits)
Race - 40 Laps + 2 Pace Laps

Teamspeak IS required. You MUST be in a channel under Realistic NASCAR Sub Channel.

Server info
Server: [RN] Cup Series
Password: (will be PM'ed to all of those who are registered)

Note: Jonathon has not received the Non-Profit License from Teamspeak yet (only 32 slots 1-2 admins)

To qualify for the Kyoto 400 you MUST attend at least 2 sessions, and you must receive credits for both. Please make sure that you have read and understood the Rules & Regulations.

Slick License & Session Credit Acquisition Requirements
-Ability to obey race control
-Ability to race predictably on R2 or R3 slick racing tires (tyres) at KY1
-Ability to utilize the draft safely
-Ability to maintain control of the XR GTR at race speeds
-Ability to start/restart properly
-Completion of both qualifying and race session.
-Submission of a valid Realistic NASCAR Cup Series or Kyoto 400 registration.
Some friendly reminders:
Practice bumpdrafting. As you know, it is essential to master this technique to succeed in KY400. Be careful while doing so, as lagging might cause you trouble. Mind the speed difference between you and the cooperating car.
Mind tyre temperature after restarts, don't be too harsh and hasty in first 2 laps after green flag. That also applies generally.
Entering pits:
- under green, use apron
- under yellow, enter pits AFTER T3
And most importantly, look around.

Do not put yourself in situations 3 to 4-wide, when it's not necessary! Wait for your chance, be patient. Patience is the key, don't ruin the race for others!
Password has been applied
#4 - Cawwa
I tried to look in the RN rulebook yesterday. My browser crashed three times in a row when opening the pdf-file. Is something wrong on your side?

According to the last laps in yesterdays practice session, I had a question about passing under the apron. Is that allowed? If it is I would recommend to change that. Just as it is in the Nascar Sprint Cup at Talladega (or is it Daytona?). You shouldn't be allowed to pass anyone under the apron.
Quote from Cawwa :I tried to look in the RN rulebook yesterday. My browser crashed three times in a row when opening the pdf-file. Is something wrong on your side?

According to the last laps in yesterdays practice session, I had a question about passing under the apron. Is that allowed? If it is I would recommend to change that. Just as it is in the Nascar Sprint Cup at Talladega (or is it Daytona?). You shouldn't be allowed to pass anyone under the apron.

It is allowed at this time and it's both Daytona and Talladega in NASCAR

It shouldn't really be an issue at Kyoto but if it becomes an issue again then we will possibly take steps to disallow it.
#6 - Cawwa
Could be interesting to see the car under the apron splits into two halves at the exit of T3. IF the inner line car is able to keep his line ... ... which he can't ...

Anyway I think the apron is THE mark of the race track, below is outside the track. You should see it as a run a way area to use in case of danger, not a place to race on.
Practise session #2 total chaos.

Sorry for quitting, but the session was scheduled to be about an hour, and after an hour nothing was going on except crashing.

Apart from the qualification that was not well defined.

And I am getting tired of the bitching during open chat.

And this is not directed against the admins - if I were them I would've quit the practise session, thanks for your patience.

amongst others:

00 M.Kingsbury : 52 T.Korený - why do you suck so much
00 M.Kingsbury : cmon
00 M.Kingsbury : u need more track u retard
Think this sessions was much better than the first one, at least from the view of my window

Would never had reached my 4:th place without some great help from two superb pushers, 52 Korený and 69 Huovinen
Especially Huovinen gave lots of fast lap with him stuck in my rear . Didnt work as well when I did the push, mainly because im not that good at that ... and you had a little lag as well Huovinen so I didn't dare to challenge it to hard risking both ending up in the wall

Looking forward to Saturday, will be on for sure!

And as usual, lots of Thanx to the Admins
Seeing as how i can no longer drive without confrontation with a certain individu I have withdrawn as i cannot enjoy the sessions
Quote from sjoblom :Think this sessions was much better than the first one, at least from the view of my window

Would never had reached my 4:th place without some great help from two superb pushers, 52 Korený and 69 Huovinen
Especially Huovinen gave lots of fast lap with him stuck in my rear . Didnt work as well when I did the push, mainly because im not that good at that ... and you had a little lag as well Huovinen so I didn't dare to challenge it to hard risking both ending up in the wall

Looking forward to Saturday, will be on for sure!

And as usual, lots of Thanx to the Admins

Bumping not really faster than normal draft if drivers have lag, what unfortunately i have sometimes.
I take a bit risk when bumping you, even tho i was 1 lap down, but was happy end. graz
I'll be sending a PM to all of those who are registered shortly. Session #3 will be on Saturday at 14:00 GMT. I'll get that thread up once I get the time
Quote from Fast Jarda :Session: Kyoto 400, PS2 -Race
Time Code of Incident (start - finish): 4:00, lap 3 (1st green flag lap)
Drivers Involved: 52, 00
Description: Car 00 closed car 52 in T1, no mirrors

blind spot, could not see 52 until too late. Regardless 52 had more room and could have used it.
Quote :
Session: Kyoto 400, PS2 -Race
Time Code of Incident (start - finish): 17:15, lap 17
Drivers Involved: 00
Description: Wrong pit exit

thats the admins job to check not yours,

Quote :
Session: Kyoto 400, PS2 -Race
Time Code of Incident (start - finish): 22:00, lap 23
Drivers Involved: 00, 50
Description: Car 00 is "bumpdrafting" to left-rear wheel of car 50, Car 50 spun.

once again, let someone else do it I apologised to holmberg on TS3 already. its up to him if he feels he needs to protest it
Quote :
Session: Kyoto 400, PS2 -Race
Time Code of Incident (start - finish): ~22:50, lap 23
Drivers Involved: 00
Description: Car 00 is going trouth the pit lane across the pit stalls.

once again thats the admins job let them do it
Quote :
Session: Kyoto 400, PS2 -Race
Time Code of Incident (start - finish): 24:07, lap 27 for car 52
Drivers Involved: 00, 52
Description: Car 00 steped on the brake after bump by car 52

I was letting 52 go low and hit brakes to keep from spinning, i was on them just enough, lag complicated mr koreny's attempt to impale me
Quote :
Session: Kyoto 400, PS2 -Race
Time Code of Incident (start - finish): 30:15, lap 33
Drivers Involved: 25
Description: Car 25 stopped in racing line for no reason.

Car 25 was severely damaged and was changing into gr1. 52 obviously needs glasses to see the yellow flag warning.

gooby would be proud of you
I left the practice session early but heard from my teamie that Matt apologized for the bump incident. It is a risky moment to bumpdraft i turns so I would preferred we didn't. We both was caught in an accident and was eager to catch the field though.
Anyways this is a typical racing incident, no reason to file a protest against that. If I recall my car was a bit damaged as well, was pretty loose.
No hard feeling for that one Matt ...

A lower voice and a better language from you and #52 would be nice though ...
yep, exactly why I won't be back. Id rather let the other people enjoy the racing than ruin it by arguing with him.
I was just trying to help you out since I was already 3 laps down or so, ended hurting you more I guess
Quote from Cawwa :I left the practice session early but heard from my teamie that Matt apologized for the bump incident. It is a risky moment to bumpdraft i turns so I would preferred we didn't. We both was caught in an accident and was eager to catch the field though.
Anyways this is a typical racing incident, no reason to file a protest against that. If I recall my car was a bit damaged as well, was pretty loose.
No hard feeling for that one Matt ...

A lower voice and a better language from you and #52 would be nice though ...

Was fun running by you, your line was predictable and you were easy to push.
Quote from CodeLyoko1 :Session: Kyoto 400, PS2 -Race
Time Code of Incident (start - finish): 3:55, lap 3 (1st green flag lap)
Drivers Involved: 52
Description: Car 52 braking on green flag lap. probably to either go back to his team mate or just to block eikelkamp (troubles earlier sessions). a very dangerous move.

(I protested for 16 because he asked me to)

This is called teamwork, as you are in llm, you probably know it

Anyway, want to apogolise to RC for shouting on them during race.. I will have to keep calm in next practice.. Yeah, sorry..
(CodeLyoko1) DELETED by CodeLyoko1 : wrong thread
I have question about my TS communication. Did you guys hear me correctly? I had some complaints about not being comprehensible, but i think it all came from the LLM channel. Just want to make sure there isn't some failure on my end.
Ill be honest, most of the time it sounded like tou were shocking your mic with electricity or eating it. It could have been fine but maybe your accent made it seem worse
Quote from Kid222 :I have question about my TS communication. Did you guys hear me correctly? I had some complaints about not being comprehensible, but i think it all came from the LLM channel. Just want to make sure there isn't some failure on my end.

Well, you sorta mumbled and were not very loud. But then again i had teammates talking as well
Quote from Kid222 :I have question about my TS communication. Did you guys hear me correctly? I had some complaints about not being comprehensible, but i think it all came from the LLM channel. Just want to make sure there isn't some failure on my end.

I think it's microphone's problem. There are quite a lot of background noises. Even when everyone else were silent I had problems understanding you clearly. Maybe a good time for a new mic?
Quote from Kid222 :but i think it all came from the LLM channel.

becaus eLLM is only team that probably listens to admins XD
Quote from CodeLyoko1 :becaus eLLM is only team that probably listens to admins XD

Please, give me some example when we didn't listen to admins, didn't respect their instructions etc.? And what about other teams? For example IRM guys. Some evidence please.

Kid, you were good, we understood everything :P

za co pannebože za co....
Quote from Fast Jarda :Please, give me some example when we didn't listen to admins, didn't respect their instructions etc.? And what about other teams? For example IRM guys. Some evidence please.

Kid, you were good, we understood everything :P

za co pannebože za co....

dude, ITS A JOKE!
Quote from Fast Jarda :Please, give me some example when we didn't listen to admins, didn't respect their instructions etc.? And what about other teams? For example IRM guys. Some evidence please.

Kid, you were good, we understood everything :P

za co pannebože za co....

When admins talk we shut up and listen ... (old IRM saying from the jungle)

But ... it sounded as it was a lot of back ground noise and an echo. ... ... it was a bit hard to hear what Kid said becourse of this. A better installation and the problem is fixed I guess. If I remember right from the ole days in nFinity there's no probs with Kids (or any other Check for that matter) English language
Corny's messages got through clear and crisp.

Admins, you are doing a great job, that's why we are here and is grateful to have this oportunity to race such well arranged series. We have pace car, push car, TS, stream ... you name it. Respect!
Don't listen to these stupid comments with criticism but without constructive suggestions.

How about a bichering thread where the kiddos can trash as much as they want? The result would (hopefully) be a clean discussion thread after each race which I can read and might have something say. FFS stop this nonsens with "You did that - No I didn't and your where alot worse - No I wasn't - Yes you where". Totaly pointless, extremly boring ... e-pollution!