#1 - Sobis
Too many physic objects when joining the track
On the WS Metropolis server I was having fun, went to pits and at the same time as I pressed join, LFS warned about too many physic objects. When I joined the track, I couldn't do anything.

I noticed that my RPM is 0, so I tried to turn the engine on through both wheel and keyboard. I got no response. Then I tried to press the accelerator and turn my wheel - nothing! The FFB was extremely weak and I knew that on a standstill UFR with blocked diff you'll never get a weak FFB when turning from lock to lock. That's why I pressed F - nothing! No forces at all! Then I asked some players to push me - nothing again! I was like a ghost which you can drive through with enough momentum.

Watch the replay from 1:51:30.00

https://dl.dropbox.com/u/65780 ... /garage%20leave%20bug.mpr
You forgot to attach the replay (I think).
#3 - Sobis
lol just watched your replay (was at ~ 1h 56min ) then reload replay 2-3 min earlier and your car behaved compleatly diffrent than when i was watching replay for the first time o_O tachometer shows 1500-1700 RPM (for the first time it was 0 all the time) crazy bug
#5 - Sobis
Yeah, if you start watching AFTER I joined, everything seems relatively normal, but if you start when I joined, it goes really awkward. It seems that the physics aren't calculated if you join at the same time as that too many physic(s) objects message appears.

Once I joined to race with XRG and my XRG had XFG setup (when I checked F12 menu it was showing XFG setup) also engine sound was something different like restricted XFG