Hosting a Server
(16 posts, started )
Hosting a Server
My Connection is through a router, so I can host a server but no one can see it or join it, how would it be possible to be able to have the server to be joinable, i know how to add ip addresses to my router, (via adding ur ip address to the address bar above) but i dont know the IP's or ports of LFS... Any useful help would be great, thanks. Xaid0n
#2 - Honey
i assume you have an home dsl router or similar and it has a web interface. nowadays every home router has nat/pat features and that's what you need!
nat = network address translation: you set the lan ip of your server (i.e. and that will make your router translate your public ip address into your server lan few words, your server becaome totally visible to internet.
this is the simplest solution, but it exposes your server to cracker attacks and believe me...either you are using windows or linux, unless you are a super geek, your server will be cracked in less than one hour (and you will not notice)
the best solution is pat = port address translation.
basically you have to set into your router one rule for each tcp or udp port your server have to expose to internet.
a rule needs you to specify the port number to expose to internet and the port number of your local sever -> for god's sake put the public port equal to local or you will have unuseful headaches
then you must specify also the lan ip of you local server and also the range of internet addresses allowed to connect -> put "any".

i believe the lfs standard port is 63392 set a rule for udp connection to that port, i don't know what tcp port lfs uses but you will need a rule for that also, to find it type "netstat -a" without quotes into windows command prompt (start->run->cmd)

hope it helps
#3 - Bean0
Pretty sure its UDP and TCP on port 63392 that you need to set up port forwarding rules for, both incoming and outgoing.
OK ive done what it says in that guide, sortin out the firewall n stuff like that, but im still not sure if its showing, I put in my IP on LFS, and it comes up SetupSocketServer: Bind Failed
Whats the name of the server? I'll see if I can find it.
Quote from Xaid0n :OK ive done what it says in that guide, sortin out the firewall n stuff like that, but im still not sure if its showing

Test it...
Quote from the_angry_angel :Whats the name of the server? I'll see if I can find it.

Drifting only (in blue)

It's up now

EDIT: typo *Smacks Head*
Quote from Xaid0n :Drifters only (in blue)

It's up now

Hey essex boy - I can see that you are online in your little avatar bit so i take it that it works... What part of Essex you in? What town?
Quote from spsamsp :Hey essex boy - I can see that you are online in your little avatar bit so i take it that it works... What part of Essex you in? What town?

but is my server up on master server? no one joining... im in Colchester
Quote from Xaid0n :but is my server up on master server? no one joining... im in Colchester

EDIT: brb

I'm sure somebody is checking for you now!

Ah... I'm in Loughton
Quote from the_angry_angel :Whats the name of the server? I'll see if I can find it.

tbh, i dont think its showing
Usually the trick is, if its in LFSWorld's list, but not in the in-game list, then some ports aren't being forwarded properly or let through a firewall
Quote from the_angry_angel :Usually the trick is, if its in LFSWorld's list, but not in the in-game list, then some ports aren't being forwarded properly or let through a firewall

im using the default port.. 63392.. can u actually see my server?
It doesn't appear to be on the master server, and thus LFSWorld at the moment (Although it did say you were racing on it just now)
A few things can cause this;
* Outgoing firewall
* Routing problems
Quote from the_angry_angel :It doesn't appear to be on the master server, and thus LFSWorld at the moment (Although it did say you were racing on it just now)
A few things can cause this;
* Outgoing firewall
* Routing problems

Is there any way to sort this?

Hosting a Server
(16 posts, started )