My baby once looked like this,
but i was offered 80 pounds cash and a set of smaller wheels as a trade for the 17's, and as a man whos currently unemployed i took it, plus the tyres were shot on the back before, now its got 4 legal ones, i now await the 5mm spacers for the front that i dint realise i was going to need because the tyres rub on the coilovers on the front -.-
Its still up for sale, but due to no MOT being left on it, and the V5 being inaccurate (its actually a 323i but has a 2.8l engine) ive not had that much interest, well, apart from people who want to give me either peanuts or want it to break it for parts, its too good for that, i wont let that happen to it, although some time in the coming week i do have a slightly unorthadox trade....
A friend of mine who is somewhat of an E36 specialist really really wants a good 2.8 engine for his drift car, so he is going to come and collect my un MOT'd car, take it to his workplace (he's a mechanic) take the 2.8l engine out, replace it with a good 2.3l engine that he has in stock, take it for an MOT (and carry out any work it needs in order to pass free of charge) and then return the car to me, so although from a monetary point of view im probably losing out, he gets a good 2.8 powerplant, i get a 323i back that has the correct engine in again so the paperwork is right, and a tested car that will be a lot easier to sell, everyones a winner