XR GT Turbo skin please :)
(3 posts, started )
XR GT Turbo skin please :)
hello, ive tried my hand at making thi skin for quite some time, ive tried understanding the stretch, and placement of images but just cant get it.. I would greatly appreciate if someone can help.
im just looking for a white car, with provided decals/txt.


-back bumper (txt, any font)
"Inhale the good shit, exhale the bullshit"

if at all possible, (passenger and driver side), you know how some people will do a flow of graphics from front tire-ish area to back tire trunk area..(up and across) http://upload.wikimedia.org/wi ... 5px-Cannabis_leaf.svg.png
rotate, copy?

thank you for you time and consideration
I am not so great at making skins but willing to give it a try.

Not sure what you mean with the "flow of graphics" at side, like this:

or this

(lol terrible example, but general idea)

but instead of stars the leaf?

or like this:

First and second I can do, third probally not...
if you could do something along the lines of the second one that would be cool. I like the first one, just not so much of a swirl kinda guy, but love the different sizes and rotations.

you skin makers are awesome, thank you for your time XD

aaron feil

XR GT Turbo skin please :)
(3 posts, started )