The online racing simulator
Teams that are Recruiting Drivers
(241 posts, started )
Quote from Bmxtwins :Team Name: Last Lap Motorsports
Server (Y/N): 3
If yes server name: LLM.Training ; LLM.Training #2 ; TeamSpeak 3 Voice Chat
Type: Race - League and Public Servers
Team info: International. Started in 2009, more info @ site.
Are you willing to accept members immediately or will you test drivers?: You may apply via PM to Bmxtwins
Demo/S1/S2?: S1/S2
Extra Info (teamtag etc): LLM.Your Name
Teamspeak3 voice chat, Skype Group Chat (to keep in touch). Skins etc.
-Drivers can PM me on this forum if interested.
-Drivers must be mature and have some understanding of English

We are currently looking for more experienced drivers who can help take us to the next level.

Currently searching for drivers that would be able to help us in GT1 World Series in either FZR or XRR, preferably has setup knowledge or at least some good base sets. We are also planning a 3rd car for FXR, but that is not our main focus, we are just fielding it for some drivers who want it .
Team Name: ApeX Racing
Server (Y/N):
No, we currently do not own one.
If yes server name:
Type: Race
Team info:
Are you willing to accept members immediately or will you test drivers?: There's no chance that anyone will become a straight full-time member. I obviously need to know what kind of a person you are and then I can decided whether you would be a great addition or not. Also, I'm not completely about the fast lap times that you can develop [it's nice to have fast drivers also], but I just need to know if you are mature enough and a fair driver.
Demo/S1/S2?: S2
Extra Info (teamtag etc): We do require you to have a microphone along with skype. Why skype ? Skype is mainly used for communication [our private team chat] and microphone is a need. The communication through microphone is required just because at some point it makes the whole team more united. It's pretty much an opportunity for every member to have a chat with someone else from the team even if it's not about LFS.
1stBFA is recruting sir!
Team Name: 1stBFA
Server (Y/N): Y
If yes server name: f.e. 1stBFA BF1 , list on website
Type: Open Wheel, RWDs for serious leagues, but funny racetime with XG isnt that seldom
Team info: Easy going, no force with trainingplans and so on, if u want u can. team helps with stats, calender and chat on website. we think thats enough to glue team together.
Are you willing to accept members immediately or will you test drivers?: yes u will start as trainee and voted to full member after a fair time.
Demo/S1/S2?: Y/Y/Y
(Texpelt88) DELETED by Texpelt88 : 'Cause i can
Team Name: White Lightning Motorsports
Server (Y/N): Y
If yes server name: [WLM]WL Motorsports
Type: Race/Drift/Cruise
Team info: 3 Different divisions for race drift and cruise. Application process is different for each division. More information can be found on our website.
Are you willing to accept members immediately or will you test drivers?: Application for all divisions. Test for race division
Demo/S1/S2?: S2
Extra Info:
Tag: <<WLM>>
Multiple team skins with more being created
Quote :
Team Name: rForce™
Server (Y/N): Y
If yes server name: マforce_Training.
Type: mostly league racing, but u can find our drivers from public servers too.
Team info: Started racing internationally mid-2011. ATM 8 members. More info on our website.
Are you willing to accept members immediately or will you test drivers?: Everybody goes through a poll. After that we keep an eye on accepted members.
Demo/S1/S2?: S2
Extra Info (teamtag etc) Teamtag = マ\. We have our own Skype group chat etc. We also have our own forum where the conversation goes on.
Best way to apply: By sending e-mail (address on the website)

(Bmxtwins) DELETED by Bmxtwins
join us ;)
Team Name: Mad Drivers Team- MDT™
Server (Y/N): No
If yes server name:
Type: Raxe
Team info: We search good drivers
Are you willing to accept members immediately or will you test drivers?: Test
Demo/S1/S2?: Demo
Extra Info (teamtag etc)

I would like to enlighten everyone up that we have open doors for some fresh meat!
We're an professional drift team with high standards and quality, with a crazy mix-up of members.
Keep in mind that we're an Nordic based team, therefore we only accept Scandinavien people!

We pick out people by their personality, not of their skills. Since we value it more than anything else.
We expect you to know how to act in a mature manner, and have some experience within drifting.
Training sessions are available if you're in need of coaching, to become better in your drifting.

If you're interested, click into our site and tell us about yourself through our contact form!

Team BS Bildeler

you really followed the form
[DIGP] Drift Team
Server : Yes
If yes server name: DRIFT WWW.LFSD1GP.ORG
Team info: : New 2013 Drift team
Are you willing to accept members immediately or will you test drivers?: We will test driver.
Demo/S1/S2?: S2
Extra Info (teamtag etc) :
  • Team Tag : [D1GP]
  • For contact us, pls use your website or mailto
  • For join the team, pls send us form name's "Join the Team" in our web site.
  • New events is coming.
  • More informations about us, pls go to .
Team Name: Firemonkeys
Server (Y/N):No
Team info:The Real Racing series was developed in 2009 by Firemint. The new game studio Fire Monkeys brings the latest installment of this popular series and is eager to unveil a number of functions. With all-new official tracks and an impressive collection of existing cars of new Real Racing 3 offers manufacturers a comprehensive, groundbreaking racing experience with the finest and most authentic racing circuit for mobile devices.
Are you willing to accept members immediately or will you test drivers?:Yes
Extra Info (You can join us!
Wow, you have some serious infringements there. You cannot be using another corporations website as I am pretty sure you aren't a part of them.
Team Name: Sisu Grand Prix
Server (Y/N): N
If yes server name: -
Type: Racing
Team info: /showthread.php?t=81326
Website: Coming soon
Are you willing to accept members immediately or will you test drivers?: Will accept immediately, if known to be talented. Otherwise will be tested.
Demo/S1/S2?: All

Best way to contact us: sisugrandprix 'at' mail 'dot' com
What experience of drivers: Famous drivers, known for their talents, or just talented looking for a team.
Team Name: Advocare Racing ... advocare%20logo_full.jpeg
Server (Y/N): No
Type: Racing, Drift, or Cruise
Team info: Started on February 8, 2013, AdvoCare Racing is looking for skilled drivers of all different abilities. Currently, we are the ONLY team to offer part-time driving, that we know of, on the LFS Forums. But we continue to look for drivers who love to compete in races, drifts, or just like to have a good time. We have accepted the majority of the drivers, and we understand when drivers leave for a better team, we encourage for all drivers to start with us, but where their finish line is always their decision.
Website: Not Available at moment.
Are you willing to accept members immediately or will you test drivers?: All drivers are accepted upon request.
Demo/S1/S2?: We accept all applicants with a Demo, S1, and S2 license.
Extra Info (teamtag etc) [ADVO] Racername
that one went over your head didn't it...
(-Ville-Matti-) DELETED by -Ville-Matti- : .
Quote from Texpelt88 :Team Name: Advocare Racing ... advocare%20logo_full.jpeg
Server (Y/N): No
If yes server name:
Type: Racing
Team info: Looking for all types of drivers that are dedicated to a team and don't mind doing all they can for a win or to not finish last. Drivers who would like to compete in leagues and competitions would be greatly appreciated. Drivers who are, overall, just looking for a great race and time.
Website: Not Available at moment.
Are you willing to accept members immediately or will you test drivers?: All Drivers will have a background check on race performances. But, we do accept all drivers.
Demo/S1/S2?: We accept all applicants with a Demo, S1, and S2 license.
[B]Extra Info (teamtag etc) [B][ADVO] Racername[/B] for example[B] [ADVO] Texpelt88[/B]

Team Name: Master Team Drivers Zero X-treme ; Version 5.1
Server (Y/N): Yes ; MTDZX-Server
Type: All-round
Team info: all stuff on via website
Are you willing to accept members immediately or will you test drivers?: Depends
Demo/S1/S2?: S2


TeamSpeak 3 - software

At least 20 000 LFS-Km

And some minor things as well, but not really a big deal at all.
Team Name: Wolf Pack Racing
Server (Y/N): Yes,
If yes server name: Wolf Pack Racing
Type: Race
Team info: WPR is a Race team that uses LFS and NR2k3
Website: Wolf Pack Racing
Are you willing to accept members immediately or will you test drivers?: Accept Members Now.
Demo/S1/S2?: S2
Team Tag: WPR•[Nickname]
Best way to contact us: PM here or Email me at
What experience of drivers: Accepting any experience of drivers as most of us or new to LFS Racing.

Teams that are Recruiting Drivers
(241 posts, started )