Guys can't we just drop the hatred against Beav and his team?
Yes he offers in-game things in return for real life cash. Doesn't also iRacing suck out your wallets?
And where at iRaping you have to keep paying, here you pay once (I did in 2011) and you will keep it as long as the server is online.
Also I don't agree with all the arguements on what they do with the donations/payments. That's totally up to them. You don't sign an agreement with them, that all the money is only used on the server.
Compare it with charity in real life, about 60% goes to the damn bonusses, the bosses, commercials and employees. (At most of them)
The party receiving the money, may decide what happens with the money, so don't go all melo-dramatic over this.
And I think it's once again LFS Forum Moderators clearly choosing sides, like in most of the cases in here.
This is utterly wrong, moderators should work out of professional aspect, not their own opinion. Else they not worth the bloody job!
Now I stop my rant here, because most of you, probably don't give a damn anyways, you are just here to join trolling and raging.