I don't really care for the hud stuff all that much, it's a necessary evil.

I tend to think that such things should be kept to a minimum. I know "IRL" you can buy and fit things to display all sorts of information, so it's in keeping with that, and it doesn't hurt to be able to set it up as you wish. Which for me, in that situation with that car, is nothing. shift-f
I had a blast just now, second time I've played it since Friday, and I followed some FF and general wheel setup advice which improved things quite a lot.
I thought I'd enjoy the visuals, so did a few laps and watched a replay. Suspension movement is excellent, the dive on the brakes is just right and really creates the impression of mass and friction and energy, which gives everything a realness.
Slowed it right down, though, and I was somewhat surprised to see that there is no visible tyre deformation? Even with the tyres at 16 psi or whatever they do not roll or squish, visually, at least as far as I can tell.