F1 Race Manager 2012 Browser Game
(261 posts, started )
A change is as good as a holiday
I'm up for a new challenge , as long as its simple and not too time consuming.
Not tried any others myself.
Quote from HVS5b :Bummer

Have heard http://http://f1fantasy.espnstar.com/default.aspx?page=rules and http://www.f1manager.info/ talked about quite positively, but never tried either myself.

That F1 Fantasy one looks somewhat promising as I quickly glanced over some information on it.... Not bad. I like the Qualifying points system. Does each player have a 4-driver team? I am still a bit confused. I'll sign up tonight and poke around.

F1Manager.info looks just as simple as our original site, but maybe a bit too simple.

So long as the site we choose is backed by active Admins, I'll be happy
I looked at the espn manager game but they haven't explained the points system anywhere?
Hmm maybe I'm missing something but do you earn more money at all during the season in that espn thing?

Other than that the espn manager looks very very good!
im in as long as we have a new place
Signed up , no more personal info than usual these days really, not too bad.
Just said I had no card , they can send me my winners cheque by snail mail

You can have have up to 5 teams , are we restricting this for the sub-league?
Can't pick a bonus track , presume we have to wait till transfer window opens on 16th March.
Quote from Turbo Dad :You can have have up to 5 teams , are we restricting this for the sub-league?

I think one team per one player is enough. And because every team that wants to be part of our mini-league needs to be accepted by me I'll try to make sure there are not more than one team per person

Quote from Turbo Dad :Can't pick a bonus track , presume we have to wait till transfer window opens on 16th March.

I think so yes.

2013 season discussion continues here:

F1 Race Manager 2012 Browser Game
(261 posts, started )