The online racing simulator
offputting distractions
(63 posts, started )
Quote :Are you fast?

He may be faster than you but if you are the slowest then he may not be that fast...

im a noob, say no more. the hotlap on lfs world is me, not my dad. he was just looking at them. my dad is less than half a second faster than me at So1 because thats all he will play on, wheras i like to vary my tracks. overall id whipp his arse methinks.

@ mr b. good idea. lol
Quote from Captain Slow :im a noob, say no more. the hotlap on lfs world is me, not my dad. he was just looking at them. my dad is less than half a second faster than me at So1 because thats all he will play on, wheras i like to vary my tracks. overall id whipp his arse methinks.

@ mr b. good idea. lol

My dad doesn't even know about the game lol and i'm always on it - He's too stuck into golf on a course sat and sun morn - range some evenings, gym every day and football on sundays and wednesday evenings - all spare time is work lol
Quote :My dad doesn't even know about the game lol and i'm always on it - He's too stuck into golf on a course sat and sun morn - range some evenings, gym every day and football on sundays and wednesday evenings - all spare time is work lol

my dad flys remote controled planes and helicopters, but he still manages to be a pain in the arse. btw spsamsp, can i call u spasm? i think its funny. no offence or anything
Quote from Captain Slow :my dad flys remote controled planes and helicopters, but he still manages to be a pain in the racing seat. btw spsamsp, can i call u spasm? i think its funny. no offence or anything

lol i've had it before, many times... Whatever floats your boat - call me what you want. Sam or Samuel is the most acceptable but like i said, whatever floats your boat

Quote :whatever floats your boat

u wudnt want to know.
Quote from Captain Slow :Wheeeeeeeeeeeey.

u wudnt want to know.

I think you're right!
naa i was only jokin. althoough the first letter of ma racer name is pink, im entirely straight and normal and dont like animals in funny ways or anything like that.
Quote from Captain Slow :naa i was only jokin. althoough the first letter of ma racer name is pink, im entirely straight and normal and dont like animals in funny ways or anything like that.

My racer name is in Japanese but i'm fully English and i do not drive a riced-up Honda Civic (No offence to anyody who is Japanese or drves a Honda Civic - Anybody who does feel offended go to for a free cookie!)
Quote from GWADanny :i have another solution.....pretend to be a goat he will dissown you and you can play LFS happily as a goat 4 ever . damn im good.

Nice one Danny, you made a post without any references to urinating, I am impressed.
spamsp u need to do more racing
Quote from ebola :spamsp u need to do more racing

I know lol i just got to 600 posts and i want 700 by the end of the day/evening/night...

Believe it or not i'm actually waiting for CnR to let me in! I'm banned from MaxH's one!
Quote from ebola :spamsp u need to do more racing

unluky spasm
Next time he does any of the above, just inform him..

'Dad, im not actually your son, Mum cheated on you..'

Im sure that'll keep him busy for a few days

More jooice pleash?
Damn I'm glad I'm not some 12 year old kid anymore, who gets pushed around by his parents.

If he likes the game so much, maybe he can get his own computer and race you.
#41 - Gunn
Quote from Captain Slow :hi, whenever im playing lfs, and my dads in, i can never play properly, the reasons being:
  • my dad always gives a running commentry which is offputting
  • my dad always makes me put SO1 with the formula v8 on for him
  • my dad will then sit all night and do around 100 laps
  • my dad will then say that he is 27th best in the world, because he doesnt realsie that not everyone uploads there times to lfs world hotlaps
these are just a few of the annoying things that happen to me. do things like this happen to anyone else, and how do you cope with them?

He sounds like great Dad because he is sympathetic to sim racing. You should encourage him instead of complaining.
Thanks for making me laugh guys. You see, I AM the Dad. My son (who is 18 and I get to kick out of my house soon ), is always on the computer playing (usually) WoW. I tell him, 5 minutes, then it is your brother's turn. A few minutes later there is a major fight out in the living room between the two... and it interupts my nice LFS race
#43 - MR_B
Quote from spsamsp :Cough up enough for a G25 for both of you!!

EDIT: How can he go on Ebay when he can't use the computer lol and don't say use somebody else's computer

Haha, well you can get on the internet for free at the library. Aslong as you can do it in 1 hour a day. The key to that is....have loads of library cards! many hours on the pc for free. Setup lfs in a library....

Just call up logitech, say you want the shell of one for a prank, got any returns you're chucking out?

EDIT: @ Rooble: LMAO! You can't go and tell him that! He'll drown his sorrows in even more LFS!
Hallen - for a moment I thought you were claiming to be Captain Slow's Dad.
In my last league race I had a feeline related incident which put pay to any chance of me getting the guy who finished infront of me - which would have put me two places higher in the championship.

I also suffer from screen glare during daylight hours since I moved house, and am thinking about getting a MacBook Pro when I can afford it so that I can play in my bedroom - although i'm not keen on the idea of moving the wheel around because it meens getting under the desk a lot.
Quote from Becky Rose :In my last league race I had a feeline related incident which put pay to any chance of me getting the guy who finished infront of me - which would have put me two places higher in the championship.

I also suffer from screen glare during daylight hours since I moved house, and am thinking about getting a MacBook Pro when I can afford it so that I can play in my bedroom - although i'm not keen on the idea of moving the wheel around because it meens getting under the desk a lot.

Miss Becky under a desk, now that's distracting LOL
whenever im playing lfs, and my sons in, i can never play properly, the reasons being:
  • my son always gives a running commentry which is offputting
  • my son always makes me put BLCP with the UF1 on for him
  • my son will then sit for 2 minutes and do around 0.100 laps
  • my son will then say that he is best in the world
these are just a few of the annoying things that happen to me.

Actually I agree with him on point 4
strangely enough what tends to happen to me, I concentrate so hard on my racing and when i race the position of my chair needs to be perfect. Occassionally during long races my swivel chair turns a bit or gets pushed back and this serisously effects my driving. its weird i know! I then start to feel unconfortable and cant race....

another weird thing that i tend to do that starts to put me off, after doing many laps and concentrating very hard i tend to start to focus on silly details around the tracks and this then causes mistakes as i tend to pay less attention to the road. An example would be at aston national heading over the small crest down to the last chicane, id look at the clouds and theres a cloud in the sky that always distracts me. I know i shouldnt be looking at skies but it just stands out. The cloud has a weird shape and is darker in colour and i always notice it!!!!! i am sure it wasnt there before Dons sky update! Anyway this then puts me off my line toward that notorious chicane....

heh! maybe i am just going mad! illepall
What puts me off THE MOST is my poor forearms, which cant cope any longer!
With one lap to go in a 30 lap race of South City, the missus asked me a question, and I piled into the armco at the chicane.


offputting distractions
(63 posts, started )