The online racing simulator
Not to hijack your thread, but there's an alternative to this for G27 users. Fanaleds recently added G27 support, which also has support to 30 games. It might be easier for people to use because there's a GUI etc. which should be less difficult for those not so tech-heavy people under us.

@MadCatX, If you do mind I'll remove this post.
Quote from MadCatX :Because the previous attempt to get to the bottom of this has been unsuccessful, I uploaded a modified version of the testing tool.

- It is now possible to set the delay as low as 1 msec
- The tool can now use DirectInput as well as raw access. DirectInput accesses the wheel in the same manner as the G27LEDs mod.

See the original post for download link.

Looks like we've got some progress
Using DirectInput and setting the right delay(i think it's the RPM one as it's under the rpm states) under 16, makes the wheel accept only the first ffb effect(go left) and then it keeps staying there idle. While still running, if i increase it by one click from 15 back to 16, it makes the FFB work again.

Good luck!
Quote from DarkKostas :Looks like we've got some progress
Using DirectInput and setting the right delay(i think it's the RPM one as it's under the rpm states) under 16, makes the wheel accept only the first ffb effect(go left) and then it keeps staying there idle. While still running, if i increase it by one click from 15 back to 16, it makes the FFB work again.

Good luck!

Great, thank you for the test. Do I understand correctly that when the LED commands are being sent faster than 16 msecs apart, FFB dies? Does this happen regardless of which LEDs are on/off? This is however obviously a driver bug. I guess it has something to do with the way Logitech drivers queue hardware commands that are sent to the wheel because people were experiencing some odd FFB behavior even with the 1.0x series. It might be interesting to capture the USB traffic and see what is the wheel actually told do to.

Anyway, I'll reintroduce the command rate limit and make it configurable which would hopefully resolve this.

As you have a G27, you might want to consider reporting this to Logitech. I'm pretty sure this is something the have to either fix or at least make developers aware of.

Quote from Bose321 :Not to hijack your thread, but there's an alternative to this for G27 users. Fanaleds recently added G27 support, which also has support to 30 games. It might be easier for people to use because there's a GUI etc. which should be less difficult for those not so tech-heavy people under us.

@MadCatX, If you do mind I'll remove this post.

It's good that you made people aware of an alternative, I guess not many players would figure out that Fanaleds has extended its support to G27.

My mod is aimed specifically at LFS and it's much simpler it its nature. It requires no actual installation and I believe it's as configurable and easy to use as Fanaleds.

Fanaleds is a great choice for people who play a lot of racing games and want to get as much out of their hardware as possible. There is also a technical difference between my mod and Fanaleds. Although my mod proxies dinput8.dll, it uses official method of controlling the LEDs. Fanaleds hacks around the necessity of proxying DirectInput calls by using HID API - you basically have two drivers fighting over the wheel. I'm sure you have tested this to make sure it doesn't cause any trouble, but I believe your users should be aware of this. If an incorrect hardware command is sent to a device, it can in extreme cases cause hardware damage.
I have a very weird FFB effect if it's under 30-35. It just twists the wheel left or right, and if I set it over lets say around 35, FFB becomes normal, but way too strong of course.
With fanaleds I have no problems like this.
I believe that we've tracked this problem down to a bug in Logitech drivers. I'll include a workaround in a next version.
Ive lost this LED feature since the last LFS patch and I just tried to make it work again but was unable to until I disable Flipcam that was starting automatically from the autoexec.lfs so in case someone else is stuck with an insim error just disable any app that might use insim from the start!

Thanks MadCatX for making the LEDs works in LFS
inSim TCP - Bind Failed and LED's flashing ?!
Bind Failed means either there's another application using that port. When you do /insim try to use a different port, along with adjusting that accordingly in the config file.
But on CFG file there isn't any line where there's insim port , only outsim and outgauge .
Quote from RedJ :But on CFG file there isn't any line where there's insim port , only outsim and outgauge .

Read what he said. It's most likely because there's another application using that port.
The mod can be configured to launch LFS with another InSim port if the default 29999 is in use by a BitTorrent client for instance...
I've tried to reconfigure the rpm for FO8; but the leds lights (especially the red) lights too soon (at 8500rpm) instead at 9500.

My additional configure line for g27leds.cfg looks like:
rpm fo8 5800 9500

But I don't know, if the app use it (will be a useful Information in debug mode).

What I'm doing wrong?

Also a simple "connect" button will be nice. If I reconfigure G27 LEDs, LFS is still running. I don't wont restart LFS, because it's not neccessary. Perhaps this could be simple implemented, too?
Quote from Pasci :I've tried to reconfigure the rpm for FO8; but the leds lights (especially the red) lights too soon (at 8500rpm) instead at 9500.

My additional configure line for g27leds.cfg looks like:
rpm fo8 5800 9500

But I don't know, if the app use it (will be a useful Information in debug mode).

What I'm doing wrong?

The second value doesn't control when the red LEDs light up but when the LEDs start blinking. Logitech API is stupid simple and doesn't offer any more precise control of the LEDs so I can't really do anything about this. Fanatec wheels are much better in this respect. Since the LEDs are (hopefully) scaled linearly, you can use the attached spreadsheet to recalculate the "first" and "redline" values to make the LEDs behave the way you like. I have no way to check if the results are correct - let me know if they aren't

Quote from Pasci :
Also a simple "connect" button will be nice. If I reconfigure G27 LEDs, LFS is still running. I don't wont restart LFS, because it's not neccessary. Perhaps this could be simple implemented, too?

The mod is kinda stuck in beta version since the über rewrite I did after the release of 0.6E. The helper app should obviously check if LFS is already running and just try to connect to InSim if it is. The original plan was to provide an InSim interface to adjust the "first" and "redline" values on the fly so that you wouldn't have to restart the mod at all. The current behavior is pretty obnoxious so I'll try to find some time to implement the check for running LFS.
Attached files - 23.8 KB - 554 views
Quote from MadCatX :The second value doesn't control when the red LEDs light up but when the LEDs start blinking. Logitech API is stupid simple and doesn't offer any more precise control of the LEDs so I can't really do anything about this. Fanatec wheels are much better in this respect. Since the LEDs are (hopefully) scaled linearly, you can use the attached spreadsheet to recalculate the "first" and "redline" values to make the LEDs behave the way you like. I have no way to check if the results are correct - let me know if they aren't

Thanks for your fast reply

My LEDs are never blinking. :-( Other settings do not change the behavior. But it's ok. One of my team member was asking about led support. Now I have a answer to him; I don't know, if he ever will use it.

However, thank you for your work
The LEDs will blink once the RPM reach the value of the second parameter in the config (in your case it's 9500). If you have MS Office or LibreOffice, you can use the scaling table in the file I attached to my next post to adjust the LEDs behavior.
could someone post his Config file with the correct RPM values ?
There are no "correct" values because everybody might have different preferences. You can use the spreadsheet few posts above to create your own values or use a config made by DarkKostas.
Ahoj, nevadí, že píšu v našem rodném jazyce? Mám problém, G27 mám zhruba od Vánoc a LED diody při řazení by se mi hodily. Ale i když jsem postupoval podle návodu Readme.txt v .ZIPu, tak mi to nechce fungovat. Překopíroval jsem ze složky /binary vše do hlavního adresáře LFS (tam kde je lfs.exe), přepsal jsem v cfg.txt "OutGauge Mode 0" na "1" a "OutGauge Port" na "30000". Ale i když pak spustím G27LEDsApp.exe a zapnu přes něj LFS, tak LED nefungují. Respektive fungují tak, že furt blikají, všechny a furt. Nevíš, kde by mohl být zakopaný pes?
Mám Windows 7, 64-bit. LFS verze 0.6E.

Předem díky za pomoc
For english speaking members: I have problem with LEDs not working. I install the app exactly how it was written in Readme.txt. Launch LFS via G27LEDApp.exe but LEDs are just blinking and blinking. They don't react to gas pedal, they're just blinking.
Quote from chose1337 :ve problem with LEDs not working. I install the app exactly how it was written in Readme.txt. Launch LFS via G27LEDApp.exe but LEDs are just blinking and blinking. They don't react to gas pedal, they're just blinking.

Only thing I can think of is that the addon doesn't receive correct OutGauge data. Either OutGauge is misconfigured or perhaps blocked by some overzealous firewall (although in that case the LEDs shouldn't blink). The debugging output would probably tell me more...
Thanks for the app. Unfortunately I just dont manage to get it running. All LED keep flashing. Debug info attached.

I would much appreciate some hints.
Attached files
g27log.txt - 143 KB - 480 views
You're not getting any OutGauge data; probably because it's not enabled in LFS cfg.txt.
I am getting frustrated. Somehow it seems like LFS is simply ignoring/not reading my cfg.txt. No matter what I set there, it seems to be ignored.

I am on Windows 8.1, anybody has an idea?

OutGauge Mode 1
OutGauge Delay 1
OutGauge IP :I
OutGauge Port 30000
OutGauge ID 0

The config looks good, can you try some tools that use OutGauge to verify that it works? Are you sure there isn't anything else already listening on 30000/UDP like a BitTorrent downloader?
I dont believe this. But like I said, LFS seemed to ignore my cfg.txt alltogether. Now I figured it out. It didnt just seem like that, it really ignored it. Because I edited the whole time the cfg.txt in the LFS directory.

In Windows 8.1 that file is completely unimportant though. The actual interesting file is located at:

C:\Users\(Username)\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files (x86)\LFS

Guess I am an oldschool fella... who lived the last years on a mac

Thanks a lot for your help and the great tool. Works like a charm now
got a slight problem as well.
the leds get connected, but the always matter if im in a menu or if im in a car...what could be the cause?

G27 LEDs mod [renamed]
(329 posts, started )