The online racing simulator
Handicap and checking on tyre types, isn't the same.
But Lapper also has a section to check which tyre types are fitted.
Quote from Yisc[NL] :...But Lapper also has a section to check which tyre types are fitted.

As Yisc[NL] says, you can check tyres - see here for example on how to..
thanks for answers guys
there is another problem here. autocross have only one start position and we want to race in autocross layout for 4 laps. how can i make start position for two cars with start lights?

view of ROC layout:

Quote from hamzeh_s :thanks for answers guys
there is another problem here. autocross have only one start position and we want to race in autocross layout for 4 laps. how can i make start position for two cars with start lights?

view of ROC layout:

At the moment you cant set ... You can set only one start position. With lapper is possible to make zones where a start light is gets counting . . . Search the LFSLapper Development for help ! Cheers
You'd probably have to make your own traffic lights - like THIS.
Team restriction
There is any way to make a restriction for players not to use our name in server without our permission. EX. if somebody use the [MD] tag before his name on our server he will be spectated immediatly and he were not able to join on race until he changes his name. And he gets the message that " You are not in team , please change your name. For the easier way for the lapper the team members username were stored in a file so if somebody is not in the file cant use the [MD] in any way. It's possible ?

Quote from sarxes :There is any way to make a restriction for players not to use our name in server without our permission. EX. if somebody use the [MD] tag before his name on our server he will be spectated immediatly and he were not able to join on race until he changes his name. And he gets the message that " You are not in team , please change your name. For the easier way for the lapper the team members username were stored in a file so if somebody is not in the file cant use the [MD] in any way. It's possible ?


Here's something i made few min ago.
i havent tested yet.

#Create a textfile with the name IsInTeam and place this in your includes folder
#Enter the usernames of your team

#Here's an example how the insim checks the tag:
#I enter the server with the following nickname [MD]driver

UserGroupFromFile( "IsInTeam", "includes/IsInTeam.txt" );
$tag = substr( GetCurrentPlayerVar("NickName"),0,4 ); #Start at the beginning ( 0) and cut everything after the 4th character $tag = "[MD]";
IF(($tag == "[MD]")THEN
IF( UserInGroup( "IsInTeam",GetCurrentPlayerVar("UserName")) != 1 )) THEN #this line will check if the username exist in the file you created. IF NOT: goto next line , else abort script.
privmsg("^1You're not allowed to wear this tag!!");
privmsg("^1Pls change your name!!");

Quote from Bass-Driver :Here's something i made few min ago.
i havent tested yet.

#Create a textfile with the name IsInTeam and place this in your includes folder
#Enter the usernames of your team

#Here's an example how the insim checks the tag:
#I enter the server with the following nickname [MD]driver

UserGroupFromFile( "IsInTeam", "includes/IsInTeam.txt" );
$tag = substr( GetCurrentPlayerVar("NickName"),0,4 ); #Start at the beginning ( 0) and cut everything after the 4th character $tag = "[MD]";
IF(($tag == "[MD]")THEN
IF( UserInGroup( "IsInTeam",GetCurrentPlayerVar("UserName")) != 1 )) THEN #this line will check if the username exist in the file you created. IF NOT: goto next line , else abort script.
privmsg("^1You're not allowed to wear this tag!!");
privmsg("^1Pls change your name!!");

It gives an error to me !

/20/2013 1:17:45 PM -> Unexpected function in event :OnConnect on file ".\default\.\includes\.\MD.lpr" at line #34
3/20/2013 1:27:54 PM -> Syntax error in cfg file ".\default\.\includes\.\racecontrol.lpr" at line #85

Quote from sarxes :It gives an error to me !

/20/2013 1:17:45 PM -> Unexpected function in event :OnConnect on file ".\default\.\includes\.\MD.lpr" at line #34
3/20/2013 1:27:54 PM -> Syntax error in cfg file ".\default\.\includes\.\racecontrol.lpr" at line #85

This code works ( only with uncolored characters) Lapper seems to have issues with colored text.
just tested a few minutes ago.

to test if he sees the tag right. remove the hash (#) before privmsg("".$tag);

Event OnConnect( $userName ) # Player event
UserGroupFromFile( "IsInTeam", "includes/IsInTeam.txt" );

#Create a textfile with the name IsInTeam and place this in your includes folder
#Enter the usernames of your team

#Here's an example how the insim checks the tag:
#I enter the server with the following nickname [MD]driver

$tag = substr( GetCurrentPlayerVar("NickName"),0,4 ); #Start at the beginning ( 0) and cut everything after the 4th character $tag = "[MD]"
IF($tag == "[MD]")THEN
IF( UserInGroup( "IsInTeam",GetCurrentPlayerVar("UserName")) == 0 ) THEN #this line will check if the username exist in the file you created. IF NOT: goto next line , else abort script.
privmsg("^1You're not allowed to wear this tag!!");
privmsg("^1Pls change your name!!");

THX for the help DanTec.

My other question is that is possible to put some delay between the command %at% because its changes the text in every second. It would be better for me with a delay of 3-4 seconds.

How could I use the zone code . Example if someone is on the zone what I set it shows the message or the button like: turn right or Yield or whatever ...
Quote from sarxes :THX for the help DanTec.

My other question is that is possible to put some delay between the command %at% because its changes the text in every second. It would be better for me with a delay of 3-4 seconds.

Just repeat the same text few times separated by %at%, such as;

this message will appear for 3 seconds%at%this message will appear for 3 seconds%at%this message will appear for 3 seconds%at%but this message will appear for only 2%at%but this message will appear for only 2
Quote from sarxes :How could I use the zone code . Example if someone is on the zone what I set it shows the message or the button like: turn right or Yield or whatever ...

Same way as any other time you want to use a zone; that is, register a zone place then use that to run a sub-routine, such as;

RegisterZoneAction( "SO2R" , 84 , 125, SE_Odeon,"" );

Sub SE_Odeon( $userName )
openPrivButton( "location_Odeon",2,20,24,6,2,4,96,"^7ODEON TURN -->");

If you look at my traffic signs add-on script (HERE) then you'll see that all the signs are triggered by driver going thru a zone - miss the zone and you won't trigger the sign, so you can change zones to nodes (for normal tracks - nodes won't work with X and Y track configurations - or have multiple zones next to each other, each triggering the same sub-routine, as in;

RegisterZoneAction( "SO2R" , 84 , 125, SE_Odeon,"" );
RegisterZoneAction( "SO2R" , 87 , 125, SE_Odeon,"" );
Thank You for the quick reply ! Problem Solved !

1 more question !

It's possible to appear a message if the 2 players are on the zone set and to show this message for the 2nd player who is in zone 2. I made a quick idea what I'm talking about !

I thought about something like that:

IF 1st zone is somebody


IF 2nd zone is somebody

THEN message for the 2nd player
Attached images
Quote from sarxes :Thank You for the quick reply ! Problem Solved !

1 more question !

It's possible to appear a message if the 2 players are on the zone set and to show this message for the 2nd player who is in zone 2. I made a quick idea what I'm talking about !

I thought about something like that:

IF 1st zone is somebody


IF 2nd zone is somebody

THEN message for the 2nd player

Nobody has an idea ?
Quote from sarxes :Nobody has an idea ?

Here is an example to make a custom zone.
length of the zone is 1. To make it bigger: change 1 to 5 for example.

This zone will not be stored so when you reboot lapper, you have re-set the zone again.

I also was planning this feature in the next release of my lapper. Changelog/Todo list

CatchEvent OnMSO( $userName, $text ) # Player event

$idxOfFirtsSpace = indexOf( $text, " ");

IF( $idxOfFirtsSpace == -1 ) THEN
$command = $text;
$argv = "";
$command = subStr( $text,0,$idxOfFirtsSpace );
$argv = trim( subStr( $text,$idxOfFirtsSpace ) );
SWITCH( $command )
CASE "!setzone":

Sub Zone( $userName )
#Code when user drive throught the zone

Sub SetZone($NewXNode,$NewYNode)
RegisterzoneAction( getLapperVar( "ShortTrackName" ), $NewXNode,$NewYNode,1, Zone, "");

My server uses AU1 with several different layouts. Is there a way to changing the scoring system so it displays the scores for the layout loaded?

As currently it displays the best overall time no matter what layout is loaded.
Doesn't matter what layout you use on AU1 AutoX, Lapper just saves any top lap/drift scores against default AU1, so anytime you change the layout it will still continue to save them as AU1.

Takes a little bit of work, but the way I've got round it, is to have separate directory for each layout, where I save ALL the files and folders for that particular layout to that directory, including the sql database files and the .lyt file.

That way I also save Zone and Node 'triggers' that I've set up for a layout too. And, as I use Yisc's Pitboard script, and I've set different splits/sectors for each layout, these are saved also, so will work properly next time.

Whenever I want to re-use the same layout, I just all these files back onto the server.

That way, I know the top lap/drift scores, the zones and the nodes are only relevant for that layout.

I also do the same for X/Y track layouts, as lapper doesn't know that AS2X could be A21, A22, A23, etc).

I have a 'master' folder that I use for all non specialist (AutoX, X/Y config, etc) where if I'm just loading 'normal' tracks, all the data can be saved together because i'm happy for lapper to save things as BL1, BL1X, etc, as normal.

If you use a lot of layouts, will mean that you have a lot of directories, with same files in each directory, which can be a pain if you have to make an update to a particular file. In mitigation, things are fairly static just now, so (apart from Yisc's recent Pitboard update - which I ballsed up!) there are not many changes to be made.

If someone else is providing the LFS game server, then there's usually the facility to ftp into server and download the folders/files periodically into your own particular directory (online and/or home pc), which makes the above process less of a chore. That is how I do it.
Thats a bit of a ball ache as i want the server to auto-rotate through different layouts every half hour or so.

I used Airio in the past, which saved and loaded best lap times for specific layouts loaded onto AU1
I've just checked some of my lapper sql database files, and they show track only saved as AU1. No layout name saved.
Attached images
LFS AU1 in database.png
has anyone got a copy of LFSLapper that they could send me please
Best I could do is V6.010, if that's any good?
yes it could be i can work with it
There you go.

Sorry I don't have anything later, but I tend to make changes to them and don't bother to keep a backup of the zip file, as it was always (well, used to be) available on this forum.
Attached files - 1.8 MB - 297 views
many thanks ill give this ago
Quote from Sim Sport Servers :has anyone got a copy of LFSLapper that they could send me please

There you go.
Nothing changed in these files, just the original zip file.

MD5 hash: 5743E7D20BD51A43A657ED0611287805
Attached files - 1.9 MB - 353 views
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Config help
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