New Server: [JKC] Cruise
(41 posts, started )
New Server: [JKC] Cruise
This Is A New Server That Is NOT 24 HR
The Server Name Is [JKC] Cruise Server (New Server Name: [ETCS] Cruise Server)
Here Is The Timetable:


Please Do NOT Lock As I May Neet To Edit/Add A Post!
Have Fun!

[E] Server Will Not Be Launched As I Making Insims.
Awesome A New Cruise Server That's Not Even Up All Day.
Quote from Bose321 :Awesome A New Cruise Server That's Not Even Up All Day.

Yea I Run It From Home And Cant Afford To Pay a BIG Bill For You People!
I Really Hate It When People Do This, It Gets REALLY Annoying

Please use proper grammar..
Quote from Kyle-Caz :Yea I Run It From Home And Cant Afford To Pay a BIG Bill For You People!

If BIG bill means 1€ or 2€ on some hosting companys....

#6 - Omar1
so you host it in the mornings before school and after school? thats nice
Quote from c00kie :I Really Hate It When People Do This, It Gets REALLY Annoying

Please use proper grammar..

I Wonder What Kind Of Schools Learn This Kind Of Grammar.
First of all, if this starts a flame war, my apologies. Why another cruise server? What separates it from the others? The hours that no one is even on lfs at anyway?
Quote from Kyle-Caz :Hi
This Is A New Server That Is NOT 24 HR
The Server Name Is [JKC] Cruise Server
Here Is The Timetable:

(Unless Being Fixed)
Timetable Could Change:
Monday 07:00 - 08:20 & 15:45 - 20:10
Tuesday 07:00 - 08:20 & 16:00 - 20:10
Wednesday 07:00 - 08:20 & 16:00 - 20:10
Thursday 07:00 - 08:20 & 16:00 - 20:10
Friday 07:00 - 08:20 & 16:00 - 17:55
(Weekends Every 2 Weeks)
Saturday 08:00 - 21:00
Sunday 08:00 - 20:10
(The Server Is always On In Bank Holidays!)

Please Do NOT Lock As I May Neet To Edit/Add A Post!
Have Fun!

What's make you think someon gona join to your server when is not even up all day?

Is a waste of time for you
Not trying to shoot you down, or so to speak but what can you offer than other popular cruise servers don't already have. Features that deem it necessary to take your own time to run on your own home PC/Server or whatever.
Also do you have an internet connection that is stable enough with appropriate upload speeds to run a server on, appropriate port are opened etc.. I know LFS doesn't need to use that much bandwidth but slow upload means less players, or more players with less packets per second.. equaling annoying lag and jumpiness
Also if your ISP has any sort of traffic management then you may run into that with any number of players. I know Virgin its only around 4GB upload then throttled to 25% of the speed :/

Is it really worth the time and effort to run the server? And if you run it on your own PC that you use daily, and/or use to play LFS. Can it handle running a server with however many connections are on at that time, Plus play LFS as well.
Inportant Anouncment!

[JKC] Cruise Server Has Been Renamed to [ETCS] Cruise Server!
Quote from Kyle-Caz :Inportant Anouncment!

[JKC] Cruise Server Has Been Renamed to [ETCS] Cruise Server!


Now using a already made insim which has been published here and which is free to download.

Nice secrets does your server have.

Good luck
Hi All I'm Starting A New Server Too Its Called BRON-TEKRACIN I amz Running It From My Old LapTop Though So Max server Cap Is GOnna Be 5

Time Table iz

Mon : 16:00 - 16:12 IT's my play time
Tues : closed
Wednesday 16:00-19:00 Mum workz late
Thur : closed
Friday : 6:00 - 7:30 Might not be open Cause I Might Sleep In but Try ne=Way
You know, everyone has to start somewhere. Maybe he doesn't have the money to rent a dedicated server to host it on, or at least the access to PayPal or any other internet banking means to pay for it.
Hell I ran SA-MP servers from my home a few years back, Fair enough it was on my own secondary PC running a Server OS for dedicated servers but it was still at home and not paying to rent one.

Some people just love to be internet ****s, taking the piss out of someone for trying something, or doing something they enjoy/want to do.
He's obviously a teen who's still at school and cannot leave his PC on 24/7 because he actually respects his parents and listens to them, putting the PC off at night and at school. Not everyone's parents spoil their kids with everything they want and let them do as they please
Quote from DavidTiger :You know, everyone has to start somewhere. Maybe he doesn't have the money to rent a dedicated server to host it on, or at least the access to PayPal or any other internet banking means to pay for it.
Hell I ran SA-MP servers from my home a few years back, Fair enough it was on my own secondary PC running a Server OS for dedicated servers but it was still at home and not paying to rent one.

Some people just love to be internet ****s, taking the piss out of someone for trying something, or doing something they enjoy/want to do.
He's obviously a teen who's still at school and cannot leave his PC on 24/7 because he actually respects his parents and listens to them, putting the PC off at night and at school. Not everyone's parents spoil their kids with everything they want and let them do as they please

well spoken David. I agree with you let the kid do want he wants. there is no harm in that.
Quote from fpvaaron :hi all i'm starting a new server too its called bron-tekracin i amz running it from my old laptop though so max server cap is gonna be 5

time table iz

mon : 16:00 - 16:12 it's my play time
tues : Closed
wednesday 16:00-19:00 mum workz late :d
thur : Closed
friday : 6:00 - 7:30 might not be open cause i might sleep in but try ne=way

Sooo... you expect to get players when it's not even dedicated. dafuq.
#18 - Xone
new cruise server?
OHHH i get it

[JKC] stand for "Joke cruise"
Ok whatever folks
Quote from Kyle-Caz :Ok whatever folks

Mate, one piece of advice.

Listen to the comments you can learn from or have a positive effect on you.

Do not listen or react to comments which you find negative. Which in fact is about 99% of all posts in this forum, unfortunately.

If you want to start a new server for LFS, you go ahead and see what you can make of it.

P.S. Dont start every word with a capital
HAAHHA :huepfenic

feels funny always when new cruise server, should I do make my own as well?
(Sobis) DELETED by Sobis : I was just joking, sorry...
this server is probs gay as aids..
(xtraction) DELETED by xtraction : .
(Sobis) DELETED by Sobis
Can I Say, Future Post WILL Be Ignored!
also your cruise server doesn't have any ddos feature in it...

New Server: [JKC] Cruise
(41 posts, started )