OK time to update the community with some SR news! Sorry for the long post but it has been a while
As most of you know, we have been very inactive (especially me) since before our 10th Birthday (October 2012), so first things first, we would like to thank everyone for all their support and friendship over the last 10 years! We have had many people in the team over the time we have been going and it has been great to see them do well in their new teams after leaving us. We hope everyone who left us, left on good terms and with good impressions of the team. We would like to say thanks for being with us

Also I would personally like to thank everyone who has stayed with us, even with us being inactive lately.
With the demise of 500 servers, we lost our website and game servers, but we have managed to get the site back (thanks to Tongey and KayJay) and cargame.nl have kindly loaned us a server to practise on, thanks Dave!
With the site back, it has given me the motivation to try to get the team back to being an active team in the LFS community, so here's what has happened in March -
We lost some old SR racers whilst being offline, so first of all welcome back to our old friends listed here - it is great to see you back, you were all missed
[SR] Frank
[SR] G. Ribiero
[SR] Iceman
We have also been recruiting new drivers, so we would like to announce these new signings with some comments written by them when they joined -
Our first signing is
[SR] Riddick
About Charlie “Riddick” Guerra.
Riddick is 36 years old and comes from (Chile/Germany), He moved to Sweden since he was 8 years old with his parents and sister. His free time he trains Taekwondo and has been one of the best districts in Sweden/Stockholm in TKD, but unfortunately, he had to put it on the side. He is married to his Swedish and beautiful wife, and is also a proud father of a daughter. He can not live without music like Raunchy, Disturbed, Papa Roach...etc. he likes almost everything. Last but not least, he has a limited understanding of English so be nice to him ^^
Our next signing is
[SR] A.Valta
Little bit about me, Antti "n gin" Valta. Im 15 years old guy from Pielavesi, Eastern Finland. At the moment i am running the ninth grade, but next year i will go to vocational school. I started LFS in 2010,when my best friend told about this racing game. I was demo driver about 1 year, but after that i bought wheel (DFGT) and s2 license. I started to drive endurance races last year, at first just for fun.
Im interested everything what you can drive especially cars and bikes.Some favorite bands are: Metallica,Iron Maiden,Megadeth,Rammstein etc... And i am really big F1 Fan. What i do when i have free time? - Well, i'm spending time with my friends, surfing the net, driving my car etc. or playing LFS (sometimes playing PS3)
Next up is
[SR] Litmanen
Hello guys!
It's nice to meet you all and I'm really happy to join this team.
Something about me, I'm 21 years old electrician/automation installer and I live in Lapinlahti, Finland. I've been racing a lot of my spare time now but of course spending time with my friends too. I've played LFS since 2009 but I had about 2 years "break" when I didn't play at all because all kind of college courses and had to be the whole year of 2012 in the army. Now I'm back with a new computer and wheel. (Made a lot of change with times )
Good to be here and hope to see you online soon!
Next to join was our old friends from the AMT team, first
[SR] Sermilan
Hi guys, my real name is Milan Radonjic and I've been LFSing for 6 years now. I live in Niš, Serbia. I love racing and racing sims. I tried quite a few racing games/sims, but when stumbled upon LFS, got hooked to the day

. Not only that I've found it realistic, but all the things surrounding it (teams, leagues, people...) also fascinated me. In the first couple of years, I tried to be as competitive as I could, but then too much work, then the loss of it and evermore demanding son just got the better of me. Nowadays, I race mostly for fun.
Next was
[SR] Vule, also from AMT
Hi friends, my name is Mladen Vukicevic, friends call me Vule. I live in Paracin in the heart of Serbia.
The SR team have come because of good cooperation and good racing. A large reason for joining SR is the similarity with the inscription in my former race car - "Sljivovica Racing - TM" :P
Next was
[SR] Ice
AKA Elliot Shaw, another old friend and known to the communty as Ice! Quick in the FOX and anything else we put him in

Last but not least is
[SR] J. Rantala
Hello, my name is Joona "CardsetCrazy" Rantala. I started lfs in summer 2009 and played two weeks demo and then i quit and started again with new user in summer 2010. I'm 15 years old for Kouvola, Finland and im in 9th grade and I'll go to the High School next year. I like to drive with my 50cc moped with friends, watch some motorsports and football. I support Manchester United. My favourite artists are E-dubble and Hoodie Allen and favourite TV-series is Blue Mountain State at the moment. When I dont want to play LFS, I usually play Call of Duties or watch some Netflix in PS3. My favourite cars in LFS are FZ2, XR2 and XRG, I hate driving FWD :P I'm driving with Logitech G27.
We hope with these recent signings and with the whole team being motivated we can start to compete again in leagues and of course have great races with you in public servers!