I want this to be great, but I doubt it will be. Hollywood directors only see drama in driving sequences in the things they see drama in when they drive their own cars. Things like "gassing it", and "shifting gear" (Americans still think "stick" is unusual by all accounts).
In the trailer you can see a brief glimpse of the run of the mill side-by-side sequence shot behind the camera car, it will be at too low a speed, and their relative speeds will change in a totally false way. They'll have the side on tracking shot where one car is in the lead, and then the other, and then the other. It's always the same.
At least they're wearing the proper attire, not movie friendly weird helmets that let the audience see the driver's face, so you can engage at an emotional blah.
I still want Ron Howard to make the film about the killer robot driving instructor who travels back in time for some reason. Although maybe this is that film! Lauda is "RUSH", the "Robotic Unit for Safer Highways" who travels back to the seventies for some reason, and Hemsworth does look like a talking pie.