Anyone on Virgin? What's the ping like? Just signed up for the 30 meg package. Was getting sick of 6 meg SkyBB anyway, and they have now disabled all gaming profiles, leaving my ping back up around 180, unplayable. Kept sky for tv and phone, believe me this is the cheapest and best way.
Thanks man, sounds good to me. I've been reading a lot about the over-utilisation on Virgin but my area doesn't have that problem at all, so it should be nice and stable. Sky BB is so shit that I'm even pinging 70+ to the Dutch servers.
On the Virgin forums there's a sticky at the top talking about how Bristol is well over-utilised, which will explain the lag. It's the jitter that's doing it.
Oh wow, I'm at uni here so was in Stoke Bishop 1st year and in Clifton past 2 years
I don't think I've ever disco'd either and my q meter is good too. It's strange. It'll probably fix itself one day after Virgin have finished messing around!
Given they can't seem to get their tyre flexing model right, will be interesting to see how their chassis flexing model turns out.... /Intrepid answer.