Faster111's S2 License
(142 posts, closed, started )

Poll : Does Faster111 deserve to be bought an S2 license?

Closed since :
Don't care
#76 - th84
Quote from spsamsp :So what is Tristan's sadness rating?

Tristan is at the top of the list, but there is a big diffrence. MOST of his post's are on topic and informitive, where your's are just crap.

The above is my opinion and in no way reflect's the opinion's of other's on this forum.
Quote from Ryanry64 :I think I'll agree with Androids comment about the post count.

I'll also agree with Chris's idea of 'If you want him to have it, you buy it for him'


You put a poll up with a Yes/No answer and you don't want people to just say no? A competition of somesort would be fine but buying a license for someone because he can't spell and entertains a couple of people when there are many more deserved demo-ers around just seems odd to me.

You didnt have to answer to the poll or you couldve just put dont care but dont just diss it to the ground as its only here to help people at the least...
OK back on topic. I still don't see the reason why a person should get a free licence just because he made a thread about how desperate he was about S2. Or is it that he entertained you guys by not being able to speak his mothertongue? At 15?!
Quote from Captain Slow :i wasnt aware i was insulting him by voting to give him something. if it would make you fell better ill shut up now if you want?

psst darlin don't get defensive. I didn't single anyone out. I just said some people. No, don't shut up. Forums would get boring if nobody talked. It's just people keep saying the forums have gone downhill with all the negative stuff, so why not take things uphill for once.

Quote from th84 :Tristan is at the top of the list, but there is a big diffrence. MOST of his post's are on topic and informitive, where your's are just crap.

The above is my opinion and in no way reflect's the opinion's of other's on this forum.

Since when is wanting to help the demo users community "crap"?

What is all of your problems? If you dont like what i'm doing then just dont comment but dont try and make me feel as if im doing wrong when all im trying to do is to start up a competition to help advance the Demo-S2 community? illepall
#81 - th84
As said earlier, If you want to help so bad, buy him the voucher. Problem solved.

I didnt say helping the demo community was crap, your talking to the wrong one about that. I said most of your post's on this forum are crap.
Quote :I didn't single anyone out

aaaaaahhhhhh my mistake. i thought you where. anyhoo, one choc chip cookie for madman cz. anyone else want one?
Attached images
Quote from K.David :OK back on topic. I still don't see the reason why a person should get a free licence just because he made a thread about how desperate he was about S2. Or is it that he entertained you guys by not being able to speak his mothertongue? At 15?!

Ok, so it may seem that we have started off quite quickly and maybe in a wrong way with this idea but faster has beened the most interested demo user IMO that i have seen in a long time so i thought that we could start it off at him and then we could do a competition every month/3 months... What's the problem with that?
Quote from th84 :As said earlier, If you want to help so bad, buy him the voucher. Problem solved.

May i ask you something?

What the hell, im going to ask you anyway - Are you poor? Are you stinghy? Are you unable to spare 50p/£1 every month/3 months towards an S2 membership for a demo user?

That's it...
why should WE buy anyone a licence?
#86 - th84
Like i said dude, your talking to the wrong one. Ive bought my share of voucher's for demo user's. Maybe you should read the forums that your so concerned about raising your post count on.

BTW, how can you say something like this (see below) in one thread, then come here saying you want to help him? Kinda hypocritical if you ask me.

Quote :Well faster can't seem to write even some 1 word sentences right so how can that be?

Those who live in glass house's shouldnt throw rocks.
Quote from Captain Slow :i wasnt aware i was insulting him by voting to give him something. if it would make you fell better ill shut up now if you want?

Some people have a weird thing called pride and to them this kind of stuff is humiliating. You know all this: make a thread about him without asking him first, let people argue about whether he deserves the licence and insulting him in the process, maybe in the end giving the licence to him out of pity.
If I was faster then yes, I would be insulted.
Quote from th84 :Like i said dude, your talking to the wrong one. Ive bought my share of voucher's for demo user's. Maybe you should read the forums that your so concerned about raising your post count on.

Yes and i could become an ultra sad person...

If you had een listening - you would see that i'm not actually singling people out to give money, im just giving ideas and if you dont want to contribute (again) then thats entirely up to you but at least let me get my idea across to others too!

Thank you
Quote :Some people have a weird thing called pride and to them this kind of stuff is humiliating. You know all this: make a thread about him without asking him first, let people argue about whether he deserves the licence and insulting him in the process, maybe in the end giving the licence to him out of pity.
If I was faster then yes, I would be insulted.

well everyone is entitiled to have and voice their own opinion. im not going to argue anymore, because looking at what you said you do have a point in some cases, however i stick with my decision. and im sure youl stick with yours.
Quote from th84 :Like i said dude, your talking to the wrong one. Ive bought my share of voucher's for demo user's. Maybe you should read the forums that your so concerned about raising your post count on.

BTW, how can you say something like this (see below) in one thread, then come here saying you want to help him? Kinda hypocritical if you ask me.

TBH i havent enen noticed u inputting into that so why bring it up - a few of us were joking around and i dont even know the guy so obviously im not doing it to insult him!!

And if it has insulted him then i owe him an apology but it was all just a bit of "flamin'" fun!
Maybe we should just wait untill he shows up, wait for him to open his mouth and make his opinion heard!..
Quote from Madman_CZ :Maybe we should just wait untill he shows up, wait for him to open his mouth and make his opinion heard!..

Good idea!
#93 - th84
Quote from spsamsp :Yes and i could become an ultra sad person...

If you had een listening - you would see that i'm not actually singling people out to give money, im just giving ideas and if you dont want to contribute (again) then thats entirely up to you but at least let me get my idea across to others too!

Thank you

You are singling people out, first is faster. The thread is called "faster's s2 license", so he is being singled out. Second is me, you said "can i ask YOU a question" (not to mention asking me if i was either poor or stingy), so that's 2.

I think your so worried about getting that count up that you forget what you posted 5 min's ago.Your talking in circles man, you sadness rating is going up, but not cause of the post count.

Over and out!
Quote from th84 :You are singling people out, first is faster. The thread is called "faster's s2 license", so he is being singled out. Second is me, you said "can i ask YOU a question", so that's 2.

I think your so worried about getting that count up that you forget what you posted 5 min's ago.Your talking in circles man, you sadness rating is going up, but not cause of the post count.

When i posted this poll i had it open - thats what i mean by not singleing out but when i am posting a reply to you then obviously it is to you! Got it? illepall
Quote from tristancliffe :Stoney, if you had read some of the letter shaped things on this thread, and the other one about the competition ideas thingy, then you'd have noticed we are trying to find a way to HELP demo players get the game when they are clearly struggling.

However, it seems that, with a few exceptions, people feel that the winner of the competition (or whatever it is in the end) should actually have to do something to warrent their reward - a little 'I deserve LFS because..." type essay and/or some LFS/racing related questionaire perhaps - we are all real people and can ill afford to give any old numpty something for nothing. The actual 'task' isn't decided to be honest - as Tiny says, making them jump through hoops for our own amusement isn't a good idea, but there must be some impartial and maybe private way of keeping it fair. For example, if I was in charge of the essay/questionaire thingy then I would conduct it via PM or IM, so that someones answers, mistakes, spelling etc weren't publically viewable.

If you don't like us being rude to people, and you don't like us trying to help people, then please just shut up. Everything that has said about Fasters posting 'skills' is downright true, and I don't believe that telling the truth, however much it hurts, is illegal. Unless you have anything useful to add to this or any other discussion may I suggest you keep your Political Correctness gobbledegook to yourself. Thanks.

You know I love you really right?

Firstly, no need in the world to tell me to shut up, all thats going to do is annoy me and show you up as a rude person, and we all know thats not true, not deep down.

I did read the thread, hence the point I was making which was the same as Tiny's later post.

The day I keep my "Political Correctness gobbledegook" to myself will be the same day you learn some manners.
#96 - th84
I still dont know what the gobbledegook is.
If I were faster I'd be really embarassed by now. Actually your thread causes discussion over his person, and while your intention was to do something good, the effect was the opposite. Not that there's any real negative talk but there is definitely some mocking that wouldn't have been there without your thread.

If you are so desperate to help, then hell, YOU can buy him a S2 license.

And this
Quote :Are you poor? Are you stinghy? Are you unable to spare 50p/£1 every month/3 months towards an S2 membership for a demo user?

makes you a HUGE hypocrite. Why the heck should WE buy anyone anything. Just because you started a petition?

Okay, next time I start a poll wether to buy me a Ferrari or not, and then proceed to call everyone disagreeing a cheapskate because a puny £10 donation per month isn't really wanting too much, considering the price of the car. I can also be really desperate about it and start tu realy spel gud, if taht helps youre movitation lol.

IMO: this, before it gets ugly.

Also, it's Janezki's decision who he gives his spare license (if he already has one, or is still in the mood to hand one out). But why on earth do you want to prevent that Mr. faster has actually to do something to earn this free license. What is so hard about an essay? Why should he get it completely for free? How would that be fair to demo racers who also like LFS but DO care about their spelling? Okay, I shut up now, this thread annoys me.
Quote :IMO: this, before it gets ugly.

best thing said in this thread i think
I voted yes
He deserve one.. now -

Quote from th84 :I still dont know what the gobbledegook is.

Gobbledegook = gibbersh ramblings, etc etc (no not BS LOL)
This thread is closed

Faster111's S2 License
(142 posts, closed, started )