xbox 360 emulator
(34 posts, started )
xbox 360 emulator
#2 - Omar1
woah might try this tomorrow
If it works, it's actually gonna eat a hell of pc's specs.
I tried a PS2 Emulator once, I remembered to have like 5 fps while playing Gran Turismo 3.
I'm pretty sure it's fake, like all PS3 and 360 emulators have been so far. I mean emulating a PowerPC 970 CPU that smoothly using currently available PC hardware? We've barely gotten to the stage where we can emulate a PS2 with the hardware we have now. Also, why don't they have a homepage or any kind of website for this claimed emulator, just a random fishy download link? That game footage could also be just as well captured from the PC version, just edited to run in a overlay of a mockup program. Not convinced.

I'll be glad if I'm proved wrong, but I'm sceptical as hell about this.
yay - free virus!
#7 - Sobis
I bet it includes a Free Trojan that will start mining bitcoins on your PC.
#9 - Omar1
does look abit fishy
OP, are you seriously saying you believe it?
No, just wondering if anyone tried it
Guys, it worked. Here's a video of me playing Halo Reach.

shame, you cant even rick roll anyone anymore.
Quote from Omar1 :shame, you cant even rick roll anyone anymore.

He rick rolled me.
This rickroll has been so obvious.

Next time try harder.
Worth a shot.
spoiler: he died.
Special points for anybody who cracks the password and finds out whatever crap he put in there
Quote from FireMike15 :If it works, it's actually gonna eat a hell of pc's specs.
I tried a PS2 Emulator once, I remembered to have like 5 fps while playing Gran Turismo 3.

Well, probally your PC were terrible or the emulator was in a alpha state...

the PCSX2 1.00 runs GT4 on my computer at 1080p + AA (don't remember how much AA, but it obviously is greater graphics than original PS2 that probally can't even reach 720p without AA) at 60fps limited
#21 - CSU1
Quote from Specht77 :Well, probally your PC were terrible or the emulator was in a alpha state...

the PCSX2 1.00 runs GT4 on my computer at 1080p + AA (don't remember how much AA, but it obviously is greater graphics than original PS2 that probally can't even reach 720p without AA) at 60fps limited

I guess I had an amd quadcore 2,7ghz and 4GB ram in these days or something like that. Or I just was running wrong settings, nevermind.
Quote from lol_men :I get trojan alert from that link - maybe it's just my PC

It's just a rick roll.
Quote from Zipppy :150 MB for an emulator with a fishy ring to it: priceless.

Here you go. people are saying it's not real.

That thread is a year old. Nevermind that they're actually quite wrong. For instance, The PS3 and Xbox 360 are actually quite weak compared to modern PC's. Also when Apple switched from PPC to Intel, they too created an Emulator called "Rosetta". There were a lot of instances where Intel Mac's running PPC applications was FASTER than running on a comparable PPC machine.

That was 6 years ago.

xbox 360 emulator
(34 posts, started )