The online racing simulator
Server not showing up in List
(3 posts, started )
Server not showing up in List
I setup a server on my dedicated server(in an actual datacenter, so no pesky NAT to fiddle with) and for some reason it won't show up in the Server List, but I can connect to it manually just fine.

The log does not show any error concerning a failed connection to the master servers and my network monitor tells me its using its assigned ports just fine.

The Server is called Server1 and the passowrd is
Its running a modified 0.6E to allow for modified clients to connect. I have used the standard software before, wouldn't show up either.

I cannot run in the nogfx mode since my server is command line only, so i set its dedicated setting to invisible. Does this mean it will be invisible to the master server?

What could I do to make my server show on the server list?

// Example host configuration file
// How to use: LFS /cfg=setup.cfg
// Lines starting with // are ignored

// host name
/ Server1


// optional: password

// optional: admin password

// optional: InSim port

// optional: local specified ip address

// a high number below 65536

// demo/s1/s2

// no/yes/hidden

// BL1/BL1R/BL2, SO1/SO1R/SO2, etc

// weather

// cars allowed - see README.txt

// max guests that can join host

// slots reserved for admins (0 to 8)

// max cars in a race

// max cars (real+ai) per guest pc

// smoothness (3-6) number of car updates per second

// qualifying minutes, 0 for no qualifying

// number of laps, 0 for practice

// if laps not specified: hours

// 0=no/1=low/2=high

// nogfx/invisible

// no/yes: can guests vote to kick or ban

// no/yes: can guests select track

// no/kick/ban/spec: wrong way drivers

// no restart within X seconds of race start

// no restart within X seconds of race finish

// no/yes: allow join during race

// no/yes: pit stop required

// no/yes: allow car reset

// no/yes: force cockpit view

// no/yes: allow wrong way driving

// fixed/finish/reverse/random: race start order

// optional: use the specified player name

// optional: welcome message up to 200 chars

// optional: text file listing allowed tracks

// optional: message log file

// no/yes: network debug

// MPR autosave (0=off / 1=manual / 2=auto)

// MPR folder

// LYT folder

I see it in list.

Make sure you select to show empty and private hosts in list.

If you need command line server only, you may find this interesting : Console Dedicated Host TEST 4
(dawesdust_12) DELETED by dawesdust_12 : I should lrn 2 read
Could it be something with the modified tag sorting?

Server not showing up in List
(3 posts, started )