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Audi TT SUV or Sports Car?
(20 posts, started )
Audi TT SUV or Sports Car?
I've had one for about 6 months now, and it's been an interesting relationship. Usually I know if I like a car straight away, and that's pretty easily surmised by whether the sound of the engine blows out ear drums.

The Audi TT is a curious beast. On my very first go in the car the thing which stood out was the cockpit view and driving position along with all the oval dials, it was quite unlike any other car I had owned and felt a bit like a Le Mans GT car but in miniature. I liked it.

The next stand out feature was the engine, it's very good. I have the 2.0 litre turbo which out of the factory belted out 225hp. That's quite a lot for a 2 litre engine, mine is 10 years old and most of that power is still there, I've not dyno'd it or anything like that but the car still gets to 60 quicker than most of the other road cars I've driven except for super cars. The book says 6.5 seconds, and that feels about right.

For the first couple of months of owning it I had terrible trouble with speeding, after 2 years driving a diesel the throttle responsiveness was impressive to say the least - and I did most journeys at 20-30 mph above my intended travel speed quite by accident. I have got used to it now.

When you put your foot down in a TT you know the car is capable of going extremely quick, quicker than it is safe or prudent to do so. And herein lies the first real problem: I can belt along the local country roads at 70, 90 or even in excess of 100 - but the car will go quicker.

The car will get airbourne on one particular section of local road at those speeds and the stiffness does make for scary grinding noises as you land, but apart from that no matter how quick I go the car feels like it would go a lot faster if I didn't have to think about horses, tractors, or dog walkers around the next bend - so no matter how quickly I take corners or how much loud pedal I use, the car just isn't as much fun as it could be if only it was a bit more crap.

The second problem with the TT is it's drive wheels. It's a "fulltime 4 wheel drive" according to Audi, but it's actually a Haldex clutch system with 95% power going to the front wheels except when slipping whereupon power is then transferred back. This system is utterly pointless.

For one, it's hard to predict on which wheels your power is going to go down at the very moment when you are on the edge of grip, so the software takes over and ensures that if you do break the limits you get understeer. So essentially the car is a front wheel drive once you are moving but has more traction when pulling away off the line.

The other downside of the drive system is it's weight, it puts so much extra mass into the car that in the final count it's only a few kg lighter than a Seat Leon with the same engine - so is it even a sports car?

I've driven sports cars with smaller engines that where much more fun, and I've driven heavier sports cars with massive engines that ruined knickers, but the Audi TT is neither of these things, it isn't really a sports car. It's a big heavy SUV mated to a sports car.

But it is a 2 seeter, well that is to say that it's got a tiny rear bench seat which gives the car enough seating for two lesbians and their cat, it's basically nice trim to delineate between the cockpit and the boot space.

The traction control and EPS is nice, but you have to be stationary to turn it off which is a pain in the ass. I appreciate that they need to make buttons like that work in such a way that you can't turn them off by accident - but when it snows and I want to arrive into my parking space at work backwards then I expect a sports car to damn well let me, instead of juddering like ping pong ball on a washing machine the moment that the handbrake is applied.

Overall a car that I at times love, and other times regret. If they ditched the four wheel drive then it would be a lot more fun.
Becky, did you write this with the intention of getting it published? It was quite good, especially the lesbians and their cat bit.
No intention of publishing it! I just felt that Google should index and owners opinion and I'm such a narcissist that I wanted it to be me that Google indexed :P
Never seen the inside of a TT but from outside it barely looks any longer than a miata, yet it has a rear seat
so what youre saying is you need an 86?
Quote from Sueycide_FD :Never seen the inside of a TT but from outside it barely looks any longer than a miata, yet it has a rear seat

A pathetic excuse for a rear seat.
....."For the first couple of months of owning it I had terrible trouble with speeding, after 2 years driving a diesel the throttle responsiveness was impressive to say the least - and I did most journeys at 20-30 mph above my intended travel speed quite by accident. I have got used to it now.".....
So you're saying that now you drive that fast on purpose?

Anyways buying a car is buying a car. You have to decide for yourself what you want. Only you know exactly what you want out of a car and what a particular type of car would suit you. And only you can decide what ever expenses getting whatever car you want is going to be worth it. TO me the perfect car is the Chevy Suburban, but instead of going through the English countryside on a weekend jaunt, I have to drive across Houston traffic in rush hour carrying crap.
LOL wouldn't it totally suck if you got rid of your SUV, got your sports car, then have to move a coffee table?
No, it's a truck.
Audi is not a hardcore brand, they want to build high quality, confy and safe cars, and that means sacryficing handling and driving fun is not an issue for them. If you were looking for a drivers cars, Audi is not the brand to go.
Quote from NitroNitrous :If you were looking for a drivers cars, Audi is not the brand to go.


BMW+Audi do exactly the same shit (only BMW doesn't make 'sports cars') they take a saloon that's comfy as hell and already a drivers car, and then sometimes they tweak it for more performance.

You sound like you're not too old, to have a 'drivers' car isn't an Ariel Atom or some shit like this, because in reality, the atmosphere is so raw it's like getting beaten on the face with a wet axe. To enjoy driving you have to be comfortable also.
Why not threesome?
Audi A6 Allroad
300KM, pneumatic suspension, 4x4 with central torsen, big as SUV

I made a mistake of purchasing sports GT - meanwhile main purpose changed from couple hundreds kilometers of grand turismo to 1000 km rides to mountains possibly each week... mainly single...

Now looking for Audi A3 quattro tuned for allroad
Quote from BlueFlame :Wrong...

Since I work for Lamborghini (owned by Audi) i know their filosophy pretty well and believe me, that's the one. They are even trying to ruing our Lambos doing the same shit with them, to make them safer, greener and bla bla bla trying to sacrifice things that they shouldn't.
They are excellent cars, by they're not that kind of cars.
#13 - JJ72
Quote from Sueycide_FD :Never seen the inside of a TT but from outside it barely looks any longer than a miata, yet it has a rear seat

You can fit a perfectly good porsche size rear seat over the oil tank of the miata, it's just idle space, but you need to move the front seats forward to get any leg room.

and oh you need a jeep wrangler style soft top.
Audi did drop the AWD system. A new TT is FWD unless you buy the uber bells and whistles edition. Even then if you was buying one new I bet you could spec not to have AWD anyway.

And if you dislike it that much, you could always get a mechanic to remove the AWD system. You'll need a few parts from a Golf to make it happen, but is doable.

[edit: In fact, why didn't you just get a Golf? It would've been cheaper and more practical.]
Quote from JJ72 :You can fit a perfectly good porsche size rear seat over the oil tank of the miata, it's just idle space, but you need to move the front seats forward to get any leg room.

Yeah, because moving the seats forward in a Miata is the thing you want to do, now you can fit 4 small children in the car, but who will be driving it.
#16 - JJ72
Quote from heson :Yeah, because moving the seats forward in a Miata is the thing you want to do, now you can fit 4 small children in the car, but who will be driving it.

Thats not an asian problem.
However, thats the problem the rest of us have.
The TT is just a heavy 2 seated VAG product, souless with a uninteresting engine that goes well.. (2.0T)

Sports car it is, but aimed at people bored of their 1.9 tdi A3.

what defines a sports car, or is it subjective? does it need to tick all boxes or can immersion be left out..
Get a 350z if rear seats are not needed. The power to scare you shitless...
I managed to crack the sump guard underneath by taking some air, but hopefully the car is still roadworthy. I've got to get it through an MOT sometime soon so I guess I'll find out

Quote : The TT is just a heavy 2 seated VAG product, souless with a uninteresting engine that goes well.. (2.0T)

I'm not really sure what defines a soul for an engine. Whilst I agree completely with the weight issue on the TT (and cited the AWD as a big issue in that regard), I think the engine is very good. I've had cars with more horsepower but they did have much larger engines, whereas my 10 year old TT is knocking out 225hp from just 2 litres - I get mpg in the mid 30's and can pretty much drive any speed I desire and get there very quickly. Modern TT's have a newer engine that's kicking out even more hp - and touch wood, I've had no mechanical issues with the engine yet.

Quote :Get a 350z if rear seats are not needed. The power to scare you shitless...

They're notably more expensive to buy than a TT, but maybe in a few years

Audi TT SUV or Sports Car?
(20 posts, started )