Sure thing. Would be fun during the weekend.
There are many times when I am glad that there is a massive great pond between Netherland and USA.

This is one of those times.

I've heard the dutch have a new king, and he likes beer.
You're not gonna visit a damn museum if you can party hard on fridays lol.

That hotel is 5 min driving from where I live, hotel is better than the ones next our house and also close to the centrum. I can name ya great places to drink and smoke. Don't forget to ask for public transport tickets. Hotel must give it for free
Quote from dekojester :There are many times when I am glad that there is a massive great pond between Netherland and USA.

This is one of those times.

I'm even more fortunate, there's a giant pond AND a bunch more land between the Netherlands and BC
Im ecstatic that there's a very large pond, 1k miles of land and a urban battlefield between me and netherlands
I'm really scared that he'll come to CZ one day to drink our beer and steal our women.
Quote from Takumi_lfs :You're not gonna visit a damn museum if you can party hard on fridays lol.

That hotel is 5 min driving from where I live, hotel is better than the ones next our house and also close to the centrum. I can name ya great places to drink and smoke. Don't forget to ask for public transport tickets. Hotel must give it for free

Thanks for advice! What was the name on the place you would recommend?

Quote from Kid222 :I'm really scared that he'll come to CZ one day to drink our beer and steal our women.

You can have your shitugly womans for yourself thank you
Tor, I thought shitugly women were your type?!
I forgot, man to man action is probably more fun for you. /OT (?)
Quote from dawesdust_12 :Tor, I thought shitugly women were your type?!

Quote from Kid222 :I forgot, man to man action is probably more fun for you. /OT (?)

Ask the guy quoted above, he should know all of my likings.
And bitch plz Dawe, don't try to talk this away as it was girls invovled the last time we had sexyeh time!
Quote from The Very End :You can have your shitugly womans for yourself thank you

cz and shitugly girls does not compute
Then prove me wrong
I have only (in real life) seen two girls from that country, and they were so ugly that even not a bottle of Jägermaister could get me to want to have sex with them. Jesus christ they were 200kilos monsters ready to murder you!

But sincerly, if you can prove me wrong I would just be happy! Then I have a new country to invade!
Go to Lithuania if you want to see beautiful girls.
Said no one..EVER!
Wait what? You trying to convince me they are nice and then showing me pic. #2?
look at the filenames
The ones ie named "best" and the other is "common"
Dude, do you think I am the sort of guy that manage to pull of hooking up with the "best"? Look for bottom feeders and you'll find my name
You're quite an american for a norwegian - don't even notice the difference between czech and chechen...
Oh come on, it's spelled completely different ;P
I am usually O.K at European stuff, but things which have almost identically names just confuses me ;p
tor, you're ****ed. lots of spiders near the canals too. i heard that because of the canals, it is a nice moist heaven for spiders.
Quote from el pibe :it is a nice moist heaven for spiders.

Tor has enough experience with 'moist heavens' to deal with that.
Quote from The Very End :The ones ie named "best" and the other is "common"
Dude, do you think I am the sort of guy that manage to pull of hooking up with the "best"? Look for bottom feeders and you'll find my name

aim for the stars man