The online racing simulator
(C#) - [iC] inline Cruise Mod - Demo only!
Hello People's!,

Here in this thread I want to post my old project and named [iC] inline Cruise around 2011 its a private testing cruise insim in demo back around but the project has been cancelled due to the guy who I trusted much and get my source and as they thanks giving approach he ruin my name in demo and run it as they own the project.

For Moderators: Hopefully you'll understand what I said here, and I really want to share this InSim in this forum.

Credits go to:

T-RonX (LFS_External)
Dougie-Lampkin (Cruise mod)


> I take no responsibilities if anything goes wrong to this software, or PM me for a help

Do not post in other website or host the source, without my permission!

How to set up?

1. Download the LFS Dedicated Host application from
2. Configure the LFS Dedicated Host.
3. When you have LFS Dedicated Host running, enter /insim 29999 into the window and press Enter.
4. Configure your settings.ini file from the (Directory)/bin/Debug folder.
5. Start "LFS External.exe" and it should run.

About the App.
It's 85% from its completion.
The Cruise System includes a top notch cop system
> Cop System Includes
1. Overspeed detection
2. Radar reads a cruiser speed
3. A siren function to warn every cruiser from near 250meter distance
4. Capable joining chases at 2nd Condition
And I include the beta Tow System
> Tow System Includes
1. Answering the crash request
2. Caution warning to warn every cruiser from near 250meter distance
Other functions like
Doing a job around Blackwood, Buy and Trade goods in houses, Bank and the Robbery system.

I just want to say use this cruise insim as you want as long you but don't remove my name inside of it
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icsource.rar - 1.3 MB - 3163 views
FYI :P UC's insim is rebuilt and it uses a local database not txt file

also you can upload this here it does not bother me cause its not the same insim.
Quote from chrizza132 :FYI :P UC's insim is rebuilt and it uses a local database not txt file

also you can upload this here it does not bother me cause its not the same insim.

I don't mind its a useless project of mines anyways.

And I'm not pointing out your team but you reacted that brother. and I don't want to say that without my insim your team wasn't here standing in demo.
even you say you change or recode it. still the same way as it works
Quote from skywatcher122 :i dont mind its a useless project of mines anyways. its fresh as it get because your the one who made this arguments
and I'm not pointing out your team but you reacted that brother. and I don't want to say that without my insim your team wasn't here standing in demo.
even you say you change or recode it. still the same way as it works

kamijou, im not scared to admit that UC did use your soruce for a little while and it did have good coding in it but there was some parts that just wouldnt work, so i had to re-code in a brand-new soruce i just copied over a few things and banlist was one of them, but its all been recoded for local database.

do you know what its like to have alot of people to tell you to stay away from a person that was helping you? i was so scared you got no idea .

but honestly i thank you because i learnt alot from it.

also i forgot you were still on the banlist, i think its about time you got taken off that dont you?

Quote from chrizza132 :kamijou, im not scared to admit that UC did use your soruce for a little while and it did have good coding in it but there was some parts that just wouldnt work, so i had to re-code in a brand-new soruce i just copied over a few things and banlist was one of them, but its all been recoded for local database.

do you know what its like to have alot of people to tell you to stay away from a person that was helping you? i was so scared you got no idea .

but honestly i thank you because i learnt alot from it.

also i forgot you were still on the banlist, i think its about time you got taken off that dont you?


I don't mind if you remove me or not in the ban list, I'm not going create anymore arguments in past mate..
for me this source is already dropped and I'm concentrating on my WKD V3.1 since the release of V3.0 for more better running and stable and a lot of features that I worked with my logic and my mind, and I improved it alot with website integration which can be seen at
hopefully I those old days we're gone....
You all guys are welcome in my server in [WKD] because your not really banned at all anyways...

Regards, Kamijou
Quote from skywatcher122 :I don't mind if you remove me or not I'm not in ban list, I'm not going create anymore arguments in past mate..
for me this source is already dropped and I'm concentrating on my WKD V3.1 since the release of V3.0 for more better running and stable and a lot of features that I worked with my logic and my mind
hopefully I those old days we're gone....
You all guys are welcome in my server in [WKD] because your not really banned at all anyways...

Regards, Kamijou

your unbanned from UC to
This is why my Web Development remains permanently Private Source.
open source
Its the best open source so far
all i get on lfs is tcp socket bind failed help please as i was unfortunatly banned from my fav server in the world and want an insim program
go to setup.cfg and change to /ip=%myip%
Hello, how can i arrive the "Police System Buttons" ?
I would like to read some codes... I just can't find all the buttons that are created... Like HUD also...
I'm trying to hold my words...

But seriously find them yourself ... how is anyone supposed to know what exactly are you searching for

Button clicks are in ButtonClicks.cs ...
Parts of hud are in Eventtimers ... because it needs to update probably , look in the checkuser at 2000ms


Line 1529 in eventtimers
Quote from ADr3nAl1n :I'm trying to hold my words...

But seriously find them yourself ... how is anyone supposed to know what exactly are you searching for

Button clicks are in ButtonClicks.cs ...
Parts of hud are in Eventtimers ... because it needs to update probably , look in the checkuser at 2000ms


Line 1529 in eventtimers

Sorry , i found them 5 minutes later of make questions, but had no time to edit.
Thanks any way
OMG, sorry to brother again...
I'm starting learning insim code , and readed insim txt etc

So , i change the "City Bank" coordinates, but when i go to the place that i ordered, it shows NOTHING.

Sorry for bad english, please help me.


Nuno Silva

Conn.InBankDist = ((int)Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(Conn.CompCar.X - (37 * 196608), 2) + Math.Pow(Conn.CompCar.Y - (-192 * 196608), 2)) / 65536);
if (Conn.InBankDist <= 4 && (mph <= 4))

What's wrong ?
Anyone ?
Conn.InBankDist = ((int)Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(Conn.CompCar.X - (37 * 196608), 2) + Math.Pow(Conn.CompCar.Y - (-192 * 196608), 2)) / 65536);
if (Conn.InBankDist <= 4 && (mph <= 4))

The only thing to do is to re-check them ..

You sure you set x= 34 and y= -192 ?

Also don't forget this is only for Blackwood GP (bl1)

Yes i open folder "MAP" and Open BL1.cs

But , if you open the code, the bank is on "PITS", with a code like "pathx ... and ..." and "pathy ... and ..." but i also changed that but no way ... It doesn't change.. I dont know why

Thanks for not help !
I was searching something on insim, and found it my self !

Thank you for nothing guys, you all the best
Quote from Impresora96 :Hello,

Thanks for not help !
I was searching something on insim, and found it my self !

Thank you for nothing guys, you all the best

Thank you for nothing ? You mean you didn't search good enough and now its someone else's fault but not yours ?

Good one

How to use it at other tracks, like BL2?
Quote from i-love-cruise :Hello,

How to use it at other tracks, like BL2?

You can't unless you code it , it has ONLY BL1
Quote from ADr3nAl1n :You can't unless you code it , it has ONLY BL1

I am not stupid!!
I know that i must code it, but what must i change at all???
Quote from i-love-cruise :I am not stupid!!
I know that i must code it, but what must i change at all???

You will have to update/add the various position points for the track. from what I remember that I sim has various speed limits throughout the track, you would need to add all of these and for shops etc
In MCI Updates you will find track info, look there...