first of all - very nice video, nice driving seat and equipment. Wish I could have so much space, too.

About your driving. I won't tell you best possible time with hardtrack setup, because I want you to get rid of it as soon as possible.

As you can see from the video, this setup has so much understeer which is not good combined with your driving style. When you're done with testing your skills on new setup, here are some hints I've spotted when I was watching your driving:
1. your shifting is too slow. I know you just bought G27 and it's all new, but do try to change gears more aggressively, just fasten up your reflex. Don't worry about the shifter or wheel, it won't damage.
2. you are not hitting apex right. One simple suggestion that goes nearly for all tracks - slow in, fast out. What you are doing is that you are braking on the inside and then loosing time, because you accelerate too late out of the turn.
3. Use full potential of track. Use all curbs, you're simply not using the track right.
4. Try to avoid sliding in turns. Be as smooth as you can. I know this is hard to be done, but hardtrack is really not the right setup. You need to find a setup which will fit your driving style and even improve it.