I am pleased to announce the Formula XR (FOX) Track Day. The track name (and lap count) you will know when connect to server [MRc] Event (track will be loaded 10 minutes earlier to allow some initial setup downloading/adjusting).
Event starts Sunday, 26th May 18:00 UTC

The schedule for the event is:
Some changes to regulations are possible. If some any happen then answer to this topic will be posted, so I suggest you to watch this topic (press "Thread tools => Subscribe to this thread" in the top of the topic page).
This time the track will be chosen from classic ones (not open config), so racing line guide will be available. But it can have some additional tirestacks, armco, barriers etc.
The link to announce on MRc site: http://masterracecar.forumactif.com/n1076-fox-track-day
* When safety car goes to pits you can start overtaking ang going full speed after white line near pit enter.
* There can be warmup lap. If so, we will run traffic lights when cars get on starting grid (there will be some markings on track). Be carefull and run slowly after last turn. Also when warmup lap starts you better wait until car in front gets away (just a suggestion). False starts will be checked during race and some penalty can be applied, so be carefull.
Event starts Sunday, 26th May 18:00 UTC

The schedule for the event is:
- 40 minutes practice. During practice we do setup-adjusting and helping each other in getting good pace. We also can discuss tactics and everything related to the event. Also you can use MRc TeamSpeak server to communicate (ip is, you can query it by !ts command on our servers)
- 5 minutes break
- 20 minutes qualification. You should not go to pits or spectate when being on track. To go to pits or spectate you need to stop on pit-lane.
- 5 minutes break
- 130 km race. (limited to 50 minutes, so even if planned lap count wasn't done the lap after 50th minute is the last one). During the race you must change the tires at least once (so at least 1 pit stop required).
- http://en.lfsmanual.net/wiki/Rules_of_Clean_Racing are in place there.
- Overtaking under yellow flag can end up with penalty. However, you will be warned before penalty and will have chance to give gained positions back.
- If you damage your car so that your driving become dangerous (suspension broken hardly or tire burst and so on) you may get demand to pit and fix your car from Race Control. If for some reason you do not fix your car within 2 laps, you get disqualification from the event.
- There may be safety car on event (if I find the driver for it).
- Retired from Race: If you disqualified or can't drive any longer for any reason you should first ask Race Control whether you can spectate yourself (We will imagine like there are cranes which take car from track while safety car allows them to work). If we won't have safety car you still need to wait until Race Control allows you to spectate.
- Crashed in Qualification: If you can't go to pits because of crash or serious damage, you should ask Race Control whether you can spectate. Then you need to wait some time before you can go on track again. If you lose more than 1 car, you will get +3 positions on start after qualification.
Some changes to regulations are possible. If some any happen then answer to this topic will be posted, so I suggest you to watch this topic (press "Thread tools => Subscribe to this thread" in the top of the topic page).
This time the track will be chosen from classic ones (not open config), so racing line guide will be available. But it can have some additional tirestacks, armco, barriers etc.
The link to announce on MRc site: http://masterracecar.forumactif.com/n1076-fox-track-day
* When safety car goes to pits you can start overtaking ang going full speed after white line near pit enter.
* There can be warmup lap. If so, we will run traffic lights when cars get on starting grid (there will be some markings on track). Be carefull and run slowly after last turn. Also when warmup lap starts you better wait until car in front gets away (just a suggestion). False starts will be checked during race and some penalty can be applied, so be carefull.