The online racing simulator
Quote from Scrabby :No, might even improve it a bit. More weight to the back to get a better weight distribution.
Although my E36 has a very good one allready, that's why I'd like to stick to a 6cyl.
Think I'll go for the supercharger anyway. M3 engine on boost, will be cool.

Talking of M3 engines on boost, thought you might be intrested in the first few pages of this thread.....

E30 m3 S14 16v evo2 engine turbocharged to (in the end) around 500bhp.
Simple question for car nuts. Old naturally aspirated diesel, mechanical pump. Decrase in power, increase in fuel consumption, trembles and shakes when driving at lower rpm. Pump or injectors?
Quote from KiRmelius :Simple question for car nuts. Old naturally aspirated diesel, mechanical pump. Decrase in power, increase in fuel consumption, trembles and shakes when driving at lower rpm. Pump or injectors?

Tried to replace the fuel filter ?
You should also try to clean the involved parts to see if there might be any leaks or dirt and grime interfering with something
Quote from KiRmelius :Simple question for car nuts. Old naturally aspirated diesel, mechanical pump. Decrase in power, increase in fuel consumption, trembles and shakes when driving at lower rpm. Pump or injectors?

I had something like that with my car (not diesel). When I stood still, the engine shook like a madman and sometimes even stalled. I just got to a garage and they look at it, turn off the engine, fiddle something under the hood (like 5 seconds) start up the car and it runs smoothly again. He looks at me and says "Was that the problem?".

Turned out to be that a vacuum hose shot loose. Now, I can fix it myself as it happens quite sometimes if I rev it too high and then suddenly let go of the clutch (yes, I am in a hurry then)
Quote from KiRmelius :Simple question for car nuts. Old naturally aspirated diesel, mechanical pump. Decrase in power, increase in fuel consumption, trembles and shakes when driving at lower rpm. Pump or injectors?

At first replace your fuel filter as Erik said. It could also be both the injectors or the pump itself. So filter -> injectors -> pump. Bad injectors can make your engine rattle and smoke badly. If it's not the case, it can still be the injectors. If it's the pump, well that won't be cheap. Depends on the car though.
OMG how could I have missed out on these trivialities!? Oh well, it's too late for a smug anti-everyone retort.
Quote from mamoru :
Turned out to be that a vacuum hose shot loose. Now, I can fix it myself as it happens quite sometimes if I rev it too high and then suddenly let go of the clutch (yes, I am in a hurry then)

Use a ziptie bro
used to happen to my brothers MAP sensor line all the time

i don't even wanna know how much its costs
Thanks. The filter was changed recently, so I don't think it is the case, unless some bad quality diesel clogged it. It actually idles nicely, but when driving the car trembles and lacks power until I let it gain some revs. I'll try replacing the injectors in first place, as the car is 21 year old and I doubt they've been ever changed, so it's time to do that anyway. The increase in performance should be more than noticeable.
(Zipppy) DELETED by Zipppy
Quote from KiRmelius :Thanks. The filter was changed recently, so I don't think it is the case, unless some bad quality diesel clogged it. It actually idles nicely, but when driving the car trembles and lacks power until I let it gain some revs. I'll try replacing the injectors in first place, as the car is 21 year old and I doubt they've been ever changed, so it's time to do that anyway. The increase in performance should be more than noticeable.

Before you'll start to spend cash, just try filling up with a fuel from a good known fuel station.

I don't know how is the quality of fuel is controlled in your country, but in here it's awful.

A friend of mine had a mistake of fueling up his Subaru Impreza STi on a crappy station in the trip to the sea. Result - pistons burned through Went home with the car on the evacuator.
Quote from Klutch :Use a ziptie bro
used to happen to my brothers MAP sensor line all the time

I am thinking I just need a new hose. This one has bursts (unsure translation?) at the end where it connects.
Quote from [RF]-art555 :Before you'll start to spend cash, just try filling up with a fuel from a good known fuel station.

I don't know how is the quality of fuel is controlled in your country, but in here it's awful.

A friend of mine had a mistake of fueling up his Subaru Impreza STi on a crappy station in the trip to the sea. Result - pistons burned through Went home with the car on the evacuator.

It's already filled with good diesel. Still runs the same.
What is the make/model of car? Might help track down known common faults for that engine.
Quote from robt :What is the make/model of car? Might help track down known common faults for that engine.

1992 MB100d, 2.4 n/a diesel (OM616). A bulletproof engine, so some maintenance and it'll be fine again.

Swapped the carb on Moskvich a couple of days ago, and the old airbox didn't fit, so consulted by friends, a couple of beers, two frying pans and some patience later we've got this. I must've fell on my head when I was a baby.

Anyway, as the majority of the engine bay is made from aluminium, I'm thinking of polishing everything someday, when I'm not as lazy. Or at least the UFO frying pan and cylinder head cover. Bling!
Attached images
Quote from KiRmelius :BOOM!

Swapped the carb on Moskvich a couple of days ago,

I thought you said this thing was diesel?
That looks glorious.

Post your Car two
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