The online racing simulator
EnbSeries + Blur Effect (not Motion Blur or DoF)
First of all it is a matter of taste .
I want to share with You my "old - new" Enb settings, i was tweaking them for last couple of dayes, and that's what i got.
My aim was to make it look sunny, without using too much Bloom effect which give "foggy" effect, i also wanted to give it a little blurness but not by using Deep Of Sh** effect or Motion Crap - They look ugly and unrealistic, i have found on EnbSeries site effect made for Oblivion and tuned it a little, i also get rid of color saturation effect in that "effect.txt" file, it had some potential to make shadows look better and deeper but darker spots looked very bad, and in few places it gave 16bit look.
If You don't like collors but want to use blur effect with Your own Enb settings simply unrar only "Effect.txt" to Your LFS folder and remember to change "UseEffect=0" to "UseEffect=1" in enbseries config file.
If You want MOAR blur open Effect.txt and search (Ctrl+F in notepad) for "Float Range" then change number to higher, example:
Quote :float range=0.55*tempF1/ScreenSize;
float range=1.00*tempF1/ScreenSize;

If You want to turn off blur effect simply delete Effect.txt or open enbseries config file and then set UseEffect to 0
I know in some posters are too bright but i couldn't do anything about it without changing the rest of look, it could be done by editing textures and making them a little darker.
Feel free to tweak it and edit enbpalette, if You have something "special" You can post Your job here.
And i have changed some options in my graphic card driver - improved antialiasing for foliage and edges, better texture quality filter (don't know proper names of that options because i have driver in Polish)

Remember to try it in different "weather types"

Some credits:
EnbSeries, EnbConvertor and Effect.txt were written and programmed by Boris Vorontsov
EnbSeries and Effect tweaked by Lol_Men (Wojciech Basiura)
EnbPalette created by Lol_Men (Wojciech Basiura)
-I have used Unrealistic Reflection Pack v0.3 by Kancel and changed car shine to 0.7 - link to thread with that reflection
I used them because high resolution reflection made by Lynce looks not so good in my opinion on that low poly models. Lynces reflections are great but those models ruins them.
-Landscapes and skies by Lynce - liknk to thread with some great work of his and of course those landscapes and skies
-And i have also used high resolution texture pack by Electrik Kar & unseen;sa=item;in=124 - link to those textures

Some Screenshots, 1 and 3 are in Cloudy Sunset, 4 and 6 are done in Clear Day

Leave some feedback!
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Attached files
EnbSeriesPaletteEffect.rar - 124.4 KB - 3927 views
Perhaps handy/easier for downloading:

Unrealistic reflection pack v0.3:;sa=item;in=122

I like the 3rd comparision images, but the rest is making the white too bright IMO, like the skies and walls. You can't really see any difference in them, they're just plain white.

And sorry for being ignorant, but what's different compared to the stock ENBSeries? Did you made like a setting for it, or is there more to it than that?
Quote from Bose321 :And sorry for being ignorant, but what's different compared to the stock ENBSeries? Did you made like a setting for it, or is there more to it than that?

Yes. There is about three times less bloom than in standard version of enb (it is so bright because of color correction) also standard enb doesn't used enbpalette and effect (effect is also changed there is a HUGE diffrerence between them), there were other effects on, i disabled them so it's a little changed.
Here is darker version of palette. (its in rar cause I can't upload bmp file)
Attached files
enbpalette.rar - 28.8 KB - 967 views
I have made another slightly different enbpallete, and I highly recommend it.
Walls, posters and clouds are not so bright anymore with this one, and it looks better than old darker version.
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enbpalette.rar - 26.4 KB - 1016 views
Quote from lol_men :I have made another slightly different enbpallete, and I highly recommend it.
Walls, posters and clouds are not so bright anymore with this one, and it looks better than old darker version.

Quote from kitu_gudu :Preview?

Now i see there is just a little difference in old "Darker" version
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Thank you. LFS looks more alive with these "upgrades" . I will try them later.
my setting ENB
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LFS 2012-05-19 14-55-43-94.jpg
LFS 2012-05-19 14-57-02-05.jpg
LFS 2012-05-19 14-59-29-98.jpg
LFS 2012-05-19 15-08-28-70.jpg
LFS 2012-05-19 15-19-51-72.jpg
Your d3d8.dll have problem with d3d8.dll from Digital Speedo.
DS d3d8.dll is not compatible with your d3d8.dll...
Can you fix this? Anyone?
nesrulz, This cannot be done, unfortunately. I've even talked with Boris (ENB author) about this matter and he said that loading any more d3d9 (or d3d8) libraries is impossible, because of some things that I didn't understand
Quote from nesrulz :Your d3d8.dll have problem with d3d8.dll from Digital Speedo.
DS d3d8.dll is not compatible with your d3d8.dll...
Can you fix this? Anyone?

Rename that Digital Speedo d3d8.dll to digispeedo.dll
Then, go into enbseries.ini, and replace




That should work perfectly.
Quote from Kyotee :Rename that Digital Speedo d3d8.dll to digispeedo.dll
Then, go into enbseries.ini, and replace




That should work perfectly.


I have not been able to fix, you?
This is really good ENB settings. Thank you for share it

Can you made ENB more shiny ? Something like this one.

Or this effect depends on reflections ?