Who are we?
RackService , is a Hosting Company which started 1 year ago , with the goal to provide many GameServer options as long as with Voice and Vps services.
We are trying to provide cheap and good quality hosting.
Therefore our servers are located in Germany , and our server network is more than powerfull.
We have 3 dedicated servers with 64GB ram each one of them.
What makes us different?
After much time of gameserver and VPS hosting experience, we decided to move on to more games than we had, like Live For Speed.
As our goal is to provide Live For Speed hosting one of the best quality services , we've an active support ticket and pre-purchase live chat for any questions.
Our VPS packages are hosted on powerfull machines, ready to give you the maximum power for everything you need.
Also you have an configurable option which offers you
which network you wanna use, 1Gbit or 100Mbit one
All our GameServer packages / Voice servers are powered by TCAdmin 2.0 , providing so the best control panel for your service.
Interested in Us? Have any questions?
Are you interested in our services? We invite you to check out our prices at our website www.rackservice.org , there you will have a Live - Chat support waiting for your questions and doubts. We will be happy to help you in anything you need releated with your service.
Do you have any doubt or are you unsure about our services? Ask us at Live-Chat Support or submit a support ticket if you don't have much time to talk.
You have also the possibility to post a reply here if you have a question.
~ RackService