Poll : Vote for best

Closed since :
[Audi TT]
LFS Photomode Competition Round 94 Voting: New Beginning

This competition theme was... "Your imagination"

Voting rules:
*You have one vote that you can use.
*You can vote for anyone, but not yourself. (The votes where people vote for themselves will not be counted, but deleted at the end of the voting.)
*Getting more votes in an unfair way (asking others to vote four your picture etc.) is NOT allowed. (If I find out, you won't be able to participate in the competition anymore for some time and also your image will be deleted from the voting.)

The winner will be the person with the most votes.

Voting Closes at 19:00 GMT on Tuesday 11th, June 2013

The entrants were:


High Res

[Audi TT]

High Res


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High Res
The uf1 is my fav one, great editing there.
#3 - Sobis
My vote goes to powerdrifter
#5 - Litro
Amazing skills
Voted for Papadogas.

Would be nice to have the edit from powerdrifter in a high resolution for my desktop.
Im really proud that people like my performance for LFS photo editing.
Thanks you very much everybody

Quote from Bose321 :Voted for Papadogas.

Would be nice to have the edit from powerdrifter in a high resolution for my desktop.

I will see what i can do, which res you want it ?, because there is still a link of the high res version on the front page above...

Here you are.

High Res Link of my LFS Edited pic: http://imageshack.us/a/img827/ ... sufsdesignforcompetit.jpg
2560x1440 would be nice.
I wont that UF1 for my daily car!
Papadogas's is fluckin sexy
Quote from metaledo :powerdrifter1

Quote from BorislavB :I wont that UF1 for my daily car!

whahah really thank you everybody again.

Hi borislavB.

It is actually possible to make it, if you have money ofc.
The base can be a Austin Mini i think, because this actually a look like version of the Austin Mini thats simply to see same for UF-1...
It is actually the same body design and size, but it is possible and maybe cheaper than most replicas or build cars..
Next thing is this on my LFS Edited pic is a bit too low or you need air ride, but thats increase the price or you need normal high springs... xD whole story about a car as a book :P

Really liked papadogas but the rims threw me off.
So the first competition after long time is over and congratulations to powerdrifter1 for winning it! You won the biggest amount of votes from community!
Such a great edit and presentation! Love it!

Next competition will be announced soon! Thanks to all entrants and voters. I hope to see more edits on next competition guys, but yeah, i think it's quite good amount of voters and entrants for the first time that i'm organize this comp! Sorry for all my faults. We can keep these Photomode Competitions alive!

I'm waiting for a PM from powerdrifter1 with the next competition theme, cars & tracks!

Quote from Papadogas :
So the first competition after long time is over and congratulations to powerdrifter1 for winning it! You won the biggest amount of votes from community!
Such a great edit and presentation! Love it!

Next competition will be announced soon! Thanks to all entrants and voters. I hope to see more edits on next competition guys, but yeah, i think it's quite good amount of voters and entrants for the first time that i'm organize this comp! Sorry for all my faults. We can keep these Photomode Competitions alive!

I'm waiting for a PM from powerdrifter1 with the next competition theme, cars & tracks!

Thanks everybody again.

Im really proud that people like my performance for editing.
I hope that more people see me as example and choose the way for more details...

Grtz PowerD.
We have new round soon? Didn't have time to compete this one.