Okay, so I went and downloaded it because, well, it's free, so no great loss if it's a complete disaster...
Imagine my surprise when I find myself still playing it a week later, and enjoying it! I did start by trying to get my steering wheel configured - the input lag is some of the worst I've seen in any game - so that was a bit frustrating, but then I gave up and started using a xbox controller - much better!
I'm not far off the level cap now, so not sure how much longer it'll hold my attention after that, as the multiplayer game isn't very well implemented (I spent about 15 minutes in a lobby waiting for a race to start - people came and went, but nothing happened - in the end I had to crash-reset my computer because once you're in the lobby, there's no way back out of it - none that I could find, anyway).
The cars are quite hard to get, ie, expensive, and the game is constantly trying to get you to upgrade to the Wild Run expansion, and it's full of microtransactions - but if you can see past these, you have a fairly decent free game that will keep you interested for quite a few hours.
On the subject of size, I did a faction race the other night that started in Miami and went up the coast and through New York (which we figured out was about 35-40 kms real-world), then Chicago, then across the Rockies in a very roundabout path to Nevada, up to Seattle and down the west coast to finish in LA. All up it took a little under 2 hours (very roughly). Finished 2nd which didn't feel too bad as the AI cars far outclassed my vehicle. It was a dirt-spec race too, so not the fastest cars to begin with...
Sorted out the problem with the cops - just ignore them.