GT3 Touring Car Cup Round Season 4 Points
updated to round 2
#3 - kiste
Missing Xciting BUS Tours by CoRe. We were 3rd in last round?
Good catch -.-
#5 - kiste
when we can expect any results?
Ill get to them after the 250
Should look like dat
Attached images
updated, notify me of any mistakes
I will have them out in a week if I find time (and assuming I can still do them after Tuesday). otherwise 2 weeks.
go ask deko for the kyoto 250 results lol
3 Podiums in 4 races are not that bad i guess.

But was some great fighting against Vires,GenR,Vortex etc!
Why did #33 receive no points in the final round when they finished 3rd in the race?
Quote from vipex123 :Why did #33 receive no points in the final round when they finished 3rd in the race?

Added the points, will reorder when I have a chance
Doesn't need to finish the race to earn points?
what are you talking about? Whatever you did looks completely wrong... All you have to do is start the race to get points.
My apologies. just found in the rulebook how the pointreward system works.
Its epic to realise in this system to quit in the middle of the 6h race is enough to grant the 97% of the points of that team which driving more hours and finishing the event. Its fair enough. The other epic thing in the rulebook is the points (now i carefully read through)
The differences.
1st - 2nd => 4p
2nd - 3rd => 3p
3rd - 4th => 4p
4th - ... => 1p
Its funny XD Just as the idea to give points for flipping in the first lap in 3hour race.
But Okay. I accept your point, and i did the mistake when i thought the DNF means 0 pont. I could never imagine that it can be any other than 0. What an old-fashioned i am.
Anyway. its good to see you have time for me immediately and correcting my bad come-off (yes, it took ~2-3mins)
Well the points have been posted singe beginning of season on how it would be done, any concerns could have been submitted. then.
nice season for us. Shame KY2r was first round, put our FXR behind right out of the gate :/
lol win