iRacing - chapter II
(892 posts, closed, started )
Quote from dawesdust_12 :He's already rolled.

Quote from dawesdust_12 :There's an iRacing forum if they want to discuss iRacing in an environment where negativity against iRacing = ban.

Fortunately, I'm allowed here to speak my views on iRacing and indicate that I feel it is awful without being banned for saying "iRacing has awful physics."

Quote from dawesdust_12 :I was just pointing out how excellent iRacing's offline mode is, for when their servers go down every few days. I like the part where it allows you to access all of your rented content for the duration of the downtime without any interruption in your enjoyment of the "sim".

Quote from dawesdust_12 :Good thing I guess too that there's an offline mode to allow you to practice while the iRacing servers are down for maintainaince.

Quote from dawesdust_12 :Good thing they're a struggling business who is lacking money to maintain a server architecture.

Sorry Teemu
What series would you guys put the new RUF that is coming out?

I think 30 min open alongside the Radical may work? There are already too many series and the Radical is dead as it is unfortunately.

Dustin are you looking forward to driving the RUF?

On another note I've been having a blast recently in the Kia. After every race I need to change my t-shirt with the sweat, good fun close racing and the cars can take a bump or two.

I've been enjoying iRacing a lot more since I stopped caring about SR
Haha yeah the KIA can be really good fun. Can take some decent hits too.

And Montreal, meh, Im not too excited for that. Interested to see how NTMv5 will be though.
Quote from AlienT. :
Dustin are you looking forward to driving the RUF?

I wouldn't play iRacing again even if they paid me $100,000 a year to drive it. I prefer Mario Kart.
Also, Long Beach "lite" should be coming soon. By lite, they didn't laserscan all the surrounds or something.
Quote from Bmxtwins :Also, Long Beach "lite" should be coming soon. By lite, they didn't laserscan all the surrounds or something.

Quote from tony g :The only tracks we would release as tech tracks are tracks that are scanned and production work done to make them "driveable" yet they are not on an immediate list to get finished.

Quote from david phillips :
we do plan to release a “long beach lite” before too long. “lite” in the sense that it’s waaaaaay complicated to complete all the artwork (buildings, etc) in street courses, so we’ll just have the racing surface itself surrounded by some generic scenery. At least that’s the way i understand it.

need a corvette and McLaren replay that I can open as I own no road cars, for skinning purposes. Help appreciated
Quote :we do plan to release a “long beach lite” before too long. “lite” in the sense that it’s waaaaaay complicated to complete all the artwork (buildings, etc) in street courses, so we’ll just have the racing surface itself surrounded by some generic scenery. At least that’s the way i understand it.

"We want more of your money sooner, so we release some half-assed content for you to drool over like the useful idiots you are..."
1/2 the effort for the same price!
Quote from dawesdust_12 :1/2 the effort for the same price!

tech tracks are $5 and you get refunded when the finished track is released
so iRental went iBorrow?
Quote from atledreier :so iRental went iBorrow?

No. They refund you the price you paid, take away the content and then put it back up for 3x the price you originally paid.

They call it "iExtort".
Quote from dawesdust_12 :No. They refund you the price you paid, take away the content and then put it back up for 3x the price you originally paid.

They call it "iExtort".

Actually agree with you on that one
iracing is just a simple case of people playing it because they find themselves doing well with no effort, but they don't actually realise that's because the 99% of other players are 40+year old men.
Their iRacingService also collects data on your browsing history, and then threatens to send your browsing history of "HotGayDads" and "ChubbyGrandmas" to your family unless you resubscribe for 5 years.
Quote from BlueFlame :iracing is just a simple case of people playing it because they find themselves doing well with no effort, but they don't actually realise that's because the 99% of other players are 40+year old men.

I play it because there are people actually using it, not the same case as LFS.
Quote from chanoman315 :I play it because there are people actually using it, .

As I said. Mostly 40 year old men.

I'd rather race against people at the top of their game. instead of people who can barely configure their own graphics settings.
That's what iratings for
Hilarious to see two guys who can barely be competitive in a game they played a game for a decade comment about competitiveness while racing in the lowest splits
Quote from CrAZySkyPimp :Hilarious to see two guys who can barely be competitive in a game they played a game for a decade comment about competitiveness while racing in the lowest splits

I can get in top split races quite often. Am I competitive, not usually unless I've practiced a lot. Race with AroX and Adam Gilliland today and I didn't get lapped. Felt accomplished. Finished last though, because I thought we were finished and I pulled over and let 3-4 cars by.

It's a video game, supposed to be fun
Quote from BlueFlame :iracing is just a simple case of people playing it because they find themselves doing well with no effort, but they don't actually realise that's because the 99% of other players are 40+year old men.

I really don't know what you are on about. Despite all its flaws and whatnot, the entire online system, and rankings, and divisions, and championships makes the game fun and makes for an enjoyable hobby even for less competent racers. Many of these racers (myself incl.) don't want the hardcore -one race per week- league racing, which games like LFS and rFactor largely involve.
I resubbed the other day. I like the Skippy and the SRF, and the V8 supercar. Not a single one of them had servers with people in them, and the Lotus I couldn't drive cause I hadn't raced enough in the series with no people in them.... So.. money well spent there...

And the physics are still weird.
Quote from atledreier :I resubbed the other day. I like the Skippy and the SRF, and the V8 supercar. Not a single one of them had servers with people in them, and the Lotus I couldn't drive cause I hadn't raced enough in the series with no people in them.... So.. money well spent there...

And the physics are still weird.

Why would you give them money?! You know the "sim" hasn't changed. All you're doing is putting a little bit more into their pot o' gold to allow them to brainwash the common idiots that their "sim" is actually realistic.
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iRacing - chapter II
(892 posts, closed, started )